It's not a trigger for me. BMI is a useful tool for the majority of people, which is why many health professionals use it in an initial assessment in reference to body weight. (Note that I provided links where anyone interested could have read more about obesity, its meaning, causes, health consequences and various treatments).
Hammers are great for pounding nails. Not so much for driving or removing screws. No one tool is useful for everything.
I suppose I could have/should have mentioned the usefulness and limitations of BMI in my initial post but didn't think it necessary. Even the average person can visually tell the difference between a muscular person and one that is not.
I could ask you the same thing Morpheus. Why does this seem to be such a trigger for you? Your exceptions and counterexamples are certainly valid, but they only apply to a small minority of the general population and an even tinier fraction of JWs. How many active JWs do you know of that are elite, high performance athletes? Probably not many.