I see the local members of the Cult of Trump have been quick about disliking any negative comments about their leader.
That didn't take long.
So predictable, but kind of proving our point.
story breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
I see the local members of the Cult of Trump have been quick about disliking any negative comments about their leader.
That didn't take long.
So predictable, but kind of proving our point.
story breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
And unfortunately Trump is exactly the wrong person to de-escalate the situation.
Two narcissistic "child-kings" with the emotional maturity and restraint of ill-behaved 12 year old boys.
we all know the moment that a nice family chat is moving to the propaganda game.. sister in law saying that jw.org is the highest ranked website, cousing saying that the new hq is energy neutral, aunt stating that jw have the best education.... what can we say on these moments?.
that br splane just likes these new light ideas?.
that a jw.org video stated that jw use the name jehovah because people recognize this name?.
Just change the subject to something neutral. Keep doing it until you find something, anything, they can talk about non-JW related.
i just got a call from a friend who said that something in last weeks watchtower caused a number of people in various congregations to start questioning things, and several long time elders left.
i am totally out of the loop but i do read things here and i heard of no such thing.. something to the effect that jw's and governing boobies are not inspired or something along those lines?.
I just took a quick look and couldn't find anything in the study article for last week that touched on that. Maybe I missed it.
But there was something along those lines in the February 2017 WT:
But that was "studied" back in the week of April 24-30, 2017.
scientists at the university of nsw have been investigating an ancient clay tablet, known as plimpton 322, from the time of hammurabi (circa 1800 bce), whose laws may have been the model for the laws attributed to moses.. their conclusions are interesting.
if you want to quickly see what its about, check outs this video by the unsw,.
Very cool!
I have shared this with my maths and physics students as well as with my colleagues.
isn't it unbelievable that a jehovah's witness must accept whatever the organization says or they can be disfellowshipped??
unless they tell you that their understanding has changed, you cannot believe anything unless they say it's ok. .
many years ago i questioned them about their ridiculous view that whenever the word "heart" was mentioned, it was a literal blood filled organ.
Hecce, they SAY things like this all the time, but it is clearly NOT WHAT THEY ENFORCE.
warning - vent ahead....... so, my father (still very much in jw but who has at least had the decency to still keep in contact with me and hubby and to show interest in why we aren't attending and respect where we are at) is in intensive care at a local hospital and is intubated and sedated with some serious health issues.
i'm next of kin so i get all the phone calls from the hospital.. so, the rest of the "family" has cut me off because we are inactive and because the ever-active jw gossip grapevine has rumoured with a sibilant slithy hissy voice: "apossstassssy" is the cause of our inactivity.. whatever.. but now i've had to contact said "family" with the news about my father and what is going on....... so, dad's sisters answer my calls and manage to act and conduct themselves with a degree of decorum.. my sister on the other hand - well, she doesn't deign to answer my calls and texts for most of the day.
i push the issue tonight and insist on speaking to her when my brother-in-law answers the call.
SummerAngel: Firstly be a visible presence on the ward, ask DRs and nurses yourself for updates and ensure they and any social workers involved have your details. Make them aware of the issues and stress you want to be involved in any case meetings.
^^^ THIS ^^^
The JWs may play their petty little bullshit games but they can't bully the medical professionals. Make them your allies and take no game playing from your small-minded cult member family.
during mao's cultural revolution images of the past were destroyed by the red guard.
temples and churches were looted and religious statues destroyed.. this image was taken by li zhengshen at the jile temple in august 1966. the sign on the wall translates as "smash the old world".. will the left never learn?.
It's not just "the left" and it's not just political. Mob rule and extremists of every stripe (political, religious, social, etc.) are guilty of this type of behavior everywhere and at every time throughout our history.
I've come to the sad conclusion that it's who we are as humans.
It's not all of us perhaps-maybe not you, and maybe not me--but it is the portion of us that, at least for all of recorded history, has defined what it means to be human.
so i'm pretty sure my fade is complete.
haven't stepped foot inside a kh in 9 years.
but the concept of fading still makes me wonder.
All of the above plus I enjoy the occasional cigar, somtimes shoot firearms recreationally, have assisted at least three people in leaving the cult and have presented at an international conference about the challenges ex-cult members face after leaving.
Nevertheless, I am still TECHNICALLY a member in good standing, not that I know for sure or care.
that's what i've been told by a family member (elder) who went to one of the regional conventions in the north of the u.k lately, who told me the 300 or more disfellowshipped who returned to jehovah by attending show that the end is so close, just like the final talk says..
Ruby: This [is] backed up by research that indicates that over half of those who leave do return
OMG, here we go again! Empty assertions of "research" without any actual EVIDENCE or even a reference. I guess I shouldn't be surprised; you learned it from the WTBTS.
What Steve says:
Steve2: I'd be interested to know whether there has actually been an increase in numbers returning. Has there? Evidence please. - [Emphasis added]