Hh: I am confused
Finally, we are in agreement!
north korea has taken president trump's recent statements as a declaration of war.
pyongyang reserves the right to shoot down american planes even if they are not inside their airspace.. i listened to trump's speech to the un with dismay.
it demonstrated a total lack of understanding of his enemy and the inevitable consequences of inflicting personal insults on kim jong-un.
Hh: I am confused
Finally, we are in agreement!
north korea has taken president trump's recent statements as a declaration of war.
pyongyang reserves the right to shoot down american planes even if they are not inside their airspace.. i listened to trump's speech to the un with dismay.
it demonstrated a total lack of understanding of his enemy and the inevitable consequences of inflicting personal insults on kim jong-un.
Hh: I am happy [Trump] is giving voice to what normal americans think
That is where you are wrong. Trump only gives voice to disaffected, disillusioned and paranoid losers with no vision and no ambition. These people are anything but "normal." They want others to fix their problems because they are too broken and pathetic to get up, stand up and carry on on their own. I understand their frustrations, I feel their pain, because I am them. But this is not the way forward. It is not the way of courage or integrity. It is the path of cowardice and resignation. It is most certainly NOT what once made America great.
Those that chose this path have no solutions, they have only complaints. They don't accept responsibility, but only seek to blame. This is the rhetoric of despots and oppressive tyrants and the sheeplike followers that lack the moral integrity and strength to find a better way.
It's strange and confusing to me that we the people in this forum that have thrown off the shackles of the cultish leadership of the WTBTS should still have among us individuals that would so easily be persuaded to cling to other new and different cult leaders, this time under other guise. The "cause" is different but the methods the same: give me your heart and soul, but surrender your mind.
Make no mistake. I am an American. I was born here, I was bred here and I was raised here. I get up. I stand up. I carry on. I do this every single day just like all of my brothers and sisters.
I make America great again. We make American great again. It's me, it's them, it's us: it's all of us-together. I'm not waiting or hoping on someone else. I do this every day, every single fucking day. And I expect you to do the same. Join us. Together we are strong. But if you can't or if you won't then stand aside because we are coming and those not with us will be swept away.
I don't care about your color, your religion, your gender or politics. Stand beside me or stand aside. Pull with me or get the fuck out of the way! I have a vision and it's ahead. If you're not with it-and I want you to be-then get out of the way, because we're going this way!
north korea has taken president trump's recent statements as a declaration of war.
pyongyang reserves the right to shoot down american planes even if they are not inside their airspace.. i listened to trump's speech to the un with dismay.
it demonstrated a total lack of understanding of his enemy and the inevitable consequences of inflicting personal insults on kim jong-un.
BBW: I can see where the North Korean's would consider such inflammatory speach by US president Trump as highly insulting and see it as a declaration of war.
It's so nice to finally hear you speak with your own voice!
north korea has taken president trump's recent statements as a declaration of war.
pyongyang reserves the right to shoot down american planes even if they are not inside their airspace.. i listened to trump's speech to the un with dismay.
it demonstrated a total lack of understanding of his enemy and the inevitable consequences of inflicting personal insults on kim jong-un.
Cofty, please stop engaging the hot-headed chili pepper. He is clearly an idiot like the cult leader he follows.
Just another narcissistic attention whore.
north korea has taken president trump's recent statements as a declaration of war.
pyongyang reserves the right to shoot down american planes even if they are not inside their airspace.. i listened to trump's speech to the un with dismay.
it demonstrated a total lack of understanding of his enemy and the inevitable consequences of inflicting personal insults on kim jong-un.
Trump sometimes put his foot in the mouth
Only when he opens it.
north korea has taken president trump's recent statements as a declaration of war.
pyongyang reserves the right to shoot down american planes even if they are not inside their airspace.. i listened to trump's speech to the un with dismay.
it demonstrated a total lack of understanding of his enemy and the inevitable consequences of inflicting personal insults on kim jong-un.
DOC: If he dares to take the "first swing", he's dust.
Not likely. There will be almost certainly be tens of thousands South Koreans that are "dust" in a matter of a few minutes or hours at most. After that it will only get worse as the senseless carnage will spread from there. Countless millions could potential die as the result of the immaturity and lack of restraint of these two men. It's insane.
And no doubt the "fearless leaders" on both sides will be safe in their deep underground bunkers.
It's not like Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are going to duke it out mano-a-mano. There's nothing heroic about childish name calling.
i read this in the july 2017 study version of the watchtower.. ".
propaganda—how dangerous is it?.
what is propaganda?
Ironic, no?
Check out this tbread about the same article which Bad Wolf posted a few days ago:
"The battle for your mind" july 17 WT
does anyone know of an online site for jws who have been sexually abused in the wt ?
where someone who is in a relationship with someone who has been abused can talk to others who have had the same experience and maybe their family members ( if they are supportive obviously ) .
a friend of mine is in that situation and would like some insight into how to help their partner .
Barbara Anderson's website is Watchtower Documents.
The History of Silentlambs: "Silentlambs was solely founded by William H. Bowen."
i recently watched this john cedars video and it really moved me.
i just wanted to share it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp2q0yiy6eq&t=479s.
It's interesting that hope seems only to be needed in response to some kind of fear, uncertainty or anxiety.
slimboyfat, it appears that wts is going, gone digital.
can you show your view what is wts next move after they are completely gone from kings county and settled in warwick?
- this thread is your if you want it..
SBF: How this plays out may depend on the complexities of the legal structure of JWs, including obscure aspects of the legal foundation that only become apparent under stress.
Popular legend has it that on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church. The Catholic Church is still around 500 years later, albeit a much different kind of religion that it was during the Dark Ages.
Things are much different now in the modern Information Age. But as much as I'd like to see the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses go "bye-bye" I don't see it happening entirely. Too many humans that love to be told what to do are currently followers. It may become more of a fringe religion than it already is, but I don't see it entirely disappearing in the short-term.