Damn, God still needs money!
Posts by jp1692
October 2, 2017 BOE US Re: Contributions Received at the 2017 Annual Meeting
by wifibandit inoctober 2, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: contributions received at the 2017 annual meeting.
Need help understanding the Overlapping Generation teaching
by Jules Saturn inso this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
Xanthippe: I can't even read Oubliette's explanation of overlapping generations without feeling ill.
Sorry X, that wasn't my attention. I just love the deconstruction of this illogical and internally incoherent teaching. It's ironic that the WT leadership evidently took Oub's analysis showing all of it's flaws and used that as "support" and an explanation.
You can't make sense of nonsense and you shouldn't even try.
Xanthippe: Beginning to understand why that religion's teachings make intelligent people depressed.
Oh yeah, it is depressing trying to make sense of nonsense, particularly knowing that if you express any questions or doubts (forget about flat out disagreements) you can and probably will be cast out and lose all of your friends and family.
Why the NFL Protest Is a Massive and Insulting Failure
by freemindfade ini think everyone has the freedom to protest, they also have freedom of speech, these are two fundamental things that make america amazing.
but thinking rationally about what is going on with the nfl, therefore, i have an unfavorable opinion of the league, and the players, not their right to free speech, but their motive and execution of it.
constitutional freedom to protest ends at the workplace door too.
BBW: Well you got that right the job of the teacher is to teach government supplied information/indoctrination and not to deviate very far from the program of study.
I don't know what country you live in, but that sure as heck isn't what happens at my school in the US.
A teacher's job is to teach young minds to think critically and to question dogmatism. The best teachers refrain from biasing or unduly influencing their students by withholding their personal opinions, especially on controversial matters. Instead, they work to help students critically evaluate the issues, weigh the evidence and form their own opinions--pretty much the exact opposite of what you said above.
Leah Remini Scientology series might tackle Jehovah's Witnesses in season 3
by jp1692 ini've seen comments by some on leah's expose on scientology: aftermath.
she actually won an emmy for this show.
rumor is that she might take on jehovah's witnesses in season 3. .
However, I wonder if the WTS is really weird and wacky enough to make good TV? Many of the beliefs are actually closer to mainstream Christianity, certainly more than Mormons or Scientologists are.
Good question and an important doctrinal distinction between Scientologists and JWs.
But what makes a group a cult is not the "wackiness" of their beliefs per se, but how those beliefs and the cult's practices harm and do damage to the cult's followers: physically, mentally and emotionally.
This is the value of inter-faith-Apostate work - someone from a different cult will be able to see certain nuances that may pass outsiders by, but isn't an "Apostate" of that religion that can be dismissed.
This is a great point. And the fact that Remini has already built a reputation exposing her own religion will be important for JWs when and if she does turn her attention to them.
Love the phrase "interfaith apostates." I'm gonna use it for sure!
Why the NFL Protest Is a Massive and Insulting Failure
by freemindfade ini think everyone has the freedom to protest, they also have freedom of speech, these are two fundamental things that make america amazing.
but thinking rationally about what is going on with the nfl, therefore, i have an unfavorable opinion of the league, and the players, not their right to free speech, but their motive and execution of it.
constitutional freedom to protest ends at the workplace door too.
Just yesterday, former CIA Director John Brennan made a very pointed statement on this issue:
I for one appreciate his balanced comments and his emphasis on what Trump SHOULD be focusing on right now, which more important and more urgent matters.
Here is a link to a HuffPost article on the statement:
Watchtower Study Today from August 2017 issue " Wait Patiently"
by BluesBrother intheme scripture , james 5 v 8 abbreviated to " you too, exercise patience".
(i guess we know what to expect now) .
" how long?
- Expectation postponed makes the heart sick. - Proverbs 13:12
Q: Who exactly was it that created these "expectations" in the first place?
A: The leaders and writers of the WTBTS publications.
So it is they that have made our hearts sick!
But of course they will never ever admit to being more wrong mistaken; instead they have to blame those that listened to them, as if it were our fault we believed them.
Victim blaming at it's best.
Help! Mike & Kim videos all being deleted by Youtube
by mrmagic indue to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Orphan Crow, thank you for posting those links to the articles and papers on copyright and how some individuals and organizations have used copyright laws, not to protect their intellectual rights, but to suppress legitimate criticism.
Very thought-provoking.
"exjws" and money making Ponzi schemes.
by Thisismein1972 inok i want to pose a question to those who care to discuss this.. imagine a scenario.
you hear of a exjw writing a book, however, before writing this book this exjw is requesting money to publish said book.
you go along with it and help to get this book out to the public as you think that it will be beneficial.
Stuck: While some here may have had personal issues with Lloyd in the past, it is not fair to criticise his work.
Sure it's fair to criticize his work. Why would you even say that? I'll admit that he has shed a bright light on many of the hypocrisies and abuses of the WTBTS, as have many others. That does not grant him immunity from criticism.
Indeed, the moment when people can't be criticized is the exact moment when a new cult is formed. And there is very clearly a small cult following of Lloyd Evans.
I guess that is just one more bit of evidence about this one aspect of human nature: many people evidently need someone to follow. They will leave one cult just to join another, sometimes even creating one just to fulfill their need.
Stuck: Please don't cast stones at me for saying that.
I wouldn't dream of it. You're one of the good ones!
"exjws" and money making Ponzi schemes.
by Thisismein1972 inok i want to pose a question to those who care to discuss this.. imagine a scenario.
you hear of a exjw writing a book, however, before writing this book this exjw is requesting money to publish said book.
you go along with it and help to get this book out to the public as you think that it will be beneficial.
Some people are about the cause and what is good and right. Often the become known for their work.
Others just see the cause as a means for self-promotion and adulation.
Probably most are somewhere in between these extremes, but it usually isn't hard to tell who is who and what is what.
Need help understanding the Overlapping Generation teaching
by Jules Saturn inso this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
Also interesting is this point:
"It is more than likely that Mark Sanderson did not begin partaking until AFTER Fred Franz died. This means that he is categorically NOT a member of the "second part" of the "overlapping generation." This is, I believe, the reason why the WT writers came up with the third group of "anointed ones" a little more than a year ago.
Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke.- WT, January 15, 2014, p. 31, paragraph 16
"Classic cult damage control to explain away Marky-Mark."