OK I want to pose a question to those who care to discuss this.
Imagine a scenario. You hear of a exjw writing a book, however, before writing this book this exjw is requesting money to publish said book. You go along with it and help to get this book out to the public as you think that it will be beneficial. The book is published, but only 2000 copies are sold. Not very many you think, it's not going to reach many people. So in light of the poor sales, the exjw publisher puts it down to experience and moves on other ventures...
... But wait, this exjw publisher is not satisfied with the first result of the book, so then decides to publish another book. Like the first book, this exjw publisher is again asking for money to publish this book.
If you were one of the ones that donated money to this cause, would you also donate money again to aid the publishing of a second book?