Tell him you'll gladly discuss the Bible with him if he will also study a textbook on organic chemistry and biological evolution with you.
Posts by jp1692
Debating a Christian at work.
by pseudoxristos ina christian at work has been after me for more than a year to go to his church and be saved.
i like the guy and consider him a friend and have been politely trying to avoid the subject.
i have recently decided that enough is enough and i told him i would discuss religion with him.
Stupid, stupid nonsense in the October JW broadcast
by sir82 inso in the october jw broadcast, there is a "morning worship" segment in which g. jackson goes to great lengths to explain how the term "those taking the lead" are not "leaders".. the terms are exactly equivalent, of course, but jackson, with a wink & smirk, pats himself on the back for his own cleverness on how different they really's just so bizarrely absurd.. imagine if such tortured reasoning were applied to other areas..... -------------------------------------.
restaurant manager: i'm sorry, the only position we have open is for dishwasher.
applicant: that's insulting!
Well, in a very practical way Jackson is right. Those "taking the lead" in the JW religion--elders and ministerial servants--aren't really leaders. They are the sycophantic followers of the real leaders, the Governing Body (although I frequently think they are just puppets, but that's another topic for another time).
That being said, note the Orwellian doublespeak in their usage of the term "faithful and discreet slave" in reference to themselves in their role of telling their followers what to believe, how to behave and think, and the endless list of minutiae concerning what good, little dubbies can and cannot do. The "slave" is in practice the master.
It's a cult!
Instructions For Merging Congregations
by wifibandit ininstructions for merging congregations s-67-e 9/17.
SBF: I reckon there aren't many other churches where a congregation would be dissolved without even consulting the congregation. Says a lot about respect and dignity.
Right. WT leadership doesn't care at all about what the local congregants want or care or feel. Their wishes are clearly unimportant and not worthy of consideration.
Tutorial for Making Donations Electronically
by wifibandit intutorial for making donations electronically video will be considered the week of october 16, 2017..
ToesUp: WT has hit a new low!
True, but I predict they haven't found bottom yet. There's still lower they can go.
We missed you at the meetings...
by punkofnice inhow many times have you heard that trope?.
i found it more irritating than a dose of farmers on the bum.
i've even said it when i was a brainwashed jobo drone.
The Office Space clip reminded me of this:
Does Morality Exist?
by Fisherman insome people believe that stealing, lying and killing, is not moral.
some people don't.. does morality exist?
if so, prove it..
Yes it does. You raised the question so you need to prove it doesn't.
Need help understanding the Overlapping Generation teaching
by Jules Saturn inso this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
You're welcome Jules!
EVENT: Middle Tennessee Conference - Understanding Abusive Spiritual Systems and Relationships
by AndersonsInfo in
middle tennessee conference .
understanding abusive spiritual systems and relationships .
To all,
I was able to attend the ICSA conferences earlier this summer in Bordeaux, France. Obviously, it's a big commitment to go to one of these events; but if you can, I heartily recommend it.
You will meet former cult members from MANY DIFFERENT CULTS, but participants are also mental health professionals, researchers and family members of those affected by cults. And I mean all kinds of cults: religious, political, ideological, charismatic movements, therapy cults and criminal gangs to name just a few.
It's really a transformative experience in many ways. One of the really important take-aways for me was this: although various cults seem very different superficially--doctrines and beliefs, dress, rituals and practices, etc.--they are all pretty much the same underneath. They are all about one thing and one thing only: absolute control evidenced by your blind, unquestioning obedience.
Thanks for posting this Barbara!
Tutorial for Making Donations Electronically
by wifibandit intutorial for making donations electronically video will be considered the week of october 16, 2017..
Grocery Store conversation with an elder
by problemaddict 2 ini'm inactive here to the local jw's as i have faded.
i've been slandered and all that, shunned by some but not all, but the elders basically leave me alone.
i still run into to people all over though.
PA2: I just thought we were trading questions that were none of the other persons business.
Perfect response. JWs completely ignore appropriate boundaries and we were complicit when we let them. Good for you reasserting your boundaries.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to your 5 year old!