I would take a page from the playbook of non-cult members (aka: normal people) and say, "I'm sorry for your loss!"
If we were ever close, I would offer to be available to talk.
let’s say that you haven’t been around a kingdom hall in years and everyone knows you are not a “true believer “ anymore.
yet a tragedy strikes and you want to give a real heartfelt expression of your feelings— what would you say?
would you acknowledge the resurrection hope that the witnesses entertain or say something very different?.
I would take a page from the playbook of non-cult members (aka: normal people) and say, "I'm sorry for your loss!"
If we were ever close, I would offer to be available to talk.
i happened to come across a time article in 2008. it was basically talking about the high turnover in american faiths.
it mentioned the jdubs and highlighted the following point.. an even more extreme example of what might be called "masked churn" is the relatively tiny jehovah's witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds.
that means that two-thirds of the people who told pew they were raised jehovah's witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts.
Ruby, yes.
Although if someone knows it’s bullshit and still remains in the religion, they might not be lacking in self-awareness, but they most certainly are deficient in moral integrity and courage.
i happened to come across a time article in 2008. it was basically talking about the high turnover in american faiths.
it mentioned the jdubs and highlighted the following point.. an even more extreme example of what might be called "masked churn" is the relatively tiny jehovah's witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds.
that means that two-thirds of the people who told pew they were raised jehovah's witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts.
Shepherless: Could you expand on what you mean by point 1? Also, if you have any easy links to publicly available relevant scientific data, I for one would be interested to see it.
Sure, I'm short on time at the moment, but I wanted to acknowledge your question. I probably won't have time for a decent response for a couple of days.
In the interim, I've a couple of questions for you so I know what to share. Are you familiar with the concepts of:
Also, what do you mean by "street-wise"?
i happened to come across a time article in 2008. it was basically talking about the high turnover in american faiths.
it mentioned the jdubs and highlighted the following point.. an even more extreme example of what might be called "masked churn" is the relatively tiny jehovah's witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds.
that means that two-thirds of the people who told pew they were raised jehovah's witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts.
Thank you LongHairGal.
The implication of my post is that people that stay in this religion are:
I have abundant scientific data to back this up. So if anyone doubts this, bring it on. Show me your evidence to refute my claims.
BTW, again note that intelligence is NOT a reliable predictor or who will or will not join a cult.
i happened to come across a time article in 2008. it was basically talking about the high turnover in american faiths.
it mentioned the jdubs and highlighted the following point.. an even more extreme example of what might be called "masked churn" is the relatively tiny jehovah's witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds.
that means that two-thirds of the people who told pew they were raised jehovah's witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts.
since i don't have you,i conjure up an image thatis both real and ideal.. what i do recall is etched in sharp relief, but deeply, in dark caverns of my mind.. the heart is a better well of reminiscence as it draws upan intangible but true past.. a newfound, tranquil corner inme reassures that love, thoughgone missing, is never lost..
CC, that is a very powerfully poem and timely for me as I just learned this morning that one of my dear aunts died last night.
Thank you for sharing it.
Question: Is that a typo in the first line of the third stanza? Did you mean “The heart is a bitter well ...”?
ha, another visit from the jws.... thankfully they are few and far between (seem to roll around whenever the co visits or is about to visit...)an elder and his wife, presenting the magazines and inviting us to the talks, which are "so encouraging".
he had the saddest, most hang-dog expression, as he bemoaned these last days, so critical to deal with, and how the world was getting so terrible, things are so bad, blah blah blah, and every time i looked at her, she smiled encouragingly at me with that bright-eyed, put-on "sincere" smile.
i thanked them for coming, and said, "i appreciate you thinking about us" (after they said how the "missed us" at the meetings, ugh) -- "but we know where the kingdom hall is if we decide to go back.
They said how the "missed us"
Cool. I’m available for dinner this Friday night or we could go out for breakfast Saturday morning ...
i was just thinking about the account of adam and eve, and how they both attempted to 'pass the buck', or shift the blame to someone else.
eve to the snake, and adam to eve.... does that sound familiar??.
the society has never taken ownership of its mistakes!
Hypocrites are they!
Don’t tell me you’re just now noticing this for the first time!?!
if any member of the gb were to turn apostate---and join this site-----who would you like it to be ?
and why ?.
and--least like--and why ?.
EA: I would be happy to see any GB as an apostate and would greatly commend him for his guts and honesty.
This is why none of them will ever leave. They all lack both: guts and honesty!
if any member of the gb were to turn apostate---and join this site-----who would you like it to be ?
and why ?.
and--least like--and why ?.
I'd like to see the smart, humble one that would have no problem admitting we was wrong and that the GB's policies and practices have ruined countless millions of lives ....
Oh, I guess none of the current GB answer that description.