Posts by jp1692
Did Being a JW Make You a Better Person?
by Boredposter ini heard many times when i was a witness how much "learning the truth" helped people.
many have been said to have become much better people.
addictions were given up.
Did Being a JW Make Me a Better Person? Yes, ... when I left!
Did Being a JW Make You a Better Person?
by Boredposter ini heard many times when i was a witness how much "learning the truth" helped people.
many have been said to have become much better people.
addictions were given up.
No. It made me a much more uptight and judgmental person. I'm so much nicer and easier to get along with since I left this cult!
November 13, 2017 TO ALL BOE IN THE US Re: Making the Best Use of Our Kingdom Halls
by wifibandit innovember 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
It'll be interesting to watch the video to actually see firsthand "the 'reasons' behind recent changes affecting
congregations throughout the U.S. branch territory."Thanks WiFi. You keep us more up-to-date than when I was an elder! ... LOL
Awakening from the Jehovah's witness nightmare.
by James Mixon ina really moving testimony.
maybe some one can post it here, "monica singleton..awakening from the jehovah's witness nightmare".
posted nov. 11,2017 12:41 min........
YouTube video:
Awakening from the Jehovah's witness nightmare!
We're off to the Convention this weekend!
by stuckinarut2 inwe are off to the convention this weekend!
the program will be full of informative and faith-strengthening information.
here is the program:.
I don't believe it!
Faded for almost 10 years and still getting random calls
by ctrwtf inhi all, just wondering if anyone is in the same boat.
wifey and i dropped off the face of the jw planet almost a decade ago and still get 3 or 4 visits a year mostly when we are not dressed or expecting visitors.
it's really annoying because we are both wondering why they don't get the hint already.. we don't want to move because we really enjoy where we live and both have careers that keep us in the area.. i've asked politely that they stop calling but like the "godfather" they keep "pulling me in.".
There’s always the nuclear option. Just tell them to get off your fucking porch as you slowly walk towards them in an implicitly menacing fashion. (But don’t say anything explicitly threatening).
Then watch them shit their pants and run away with their tails between their wobbly legs.
Again, do NOT lose control or say anything explicitly threatening. Three times people lost their shit on me when I was a JW and I turned around as I was leaving and shut them down. I even called the police on one of them. They blew it with the explicit threat. (Probably they’d been fucked over by this cult, who knows. They were so angry they couldn’t even talk.)
But if anyone would have down what I advised above even I would have left post haste.
Intimidate but never threaten. Never.
Faded for almost 10 years and still getting random calls
by ctrwtf inhi all, just wondering if anyone is in the same boat.
wifey and i dropped off the face of the jw planet almost a decade ago and still get 3 or 4 visits a year mostly when we are not dressed or expecting visitors.
it's really annoying because we are both wondering why they don't get the hint already.. we don't want to move because we really enjoy where we live and both have careers that keep us in the area.. i've asked politely that they stop calling but like the "godfather" they keep "pulling me in.".
It’s odd, I was an elder for over two decades and quit going and NO ONE EVER COMES BY.
I’m technically still “in good standing” and have lived in the same place the last seven years.
Why do they bug you and leave me alone? Who knows!
But a likely reason is this: the last time an elder contacted me he said “the brothers” wanted to setup a “shepherding” call on me since I stopped attending.
I said, “No thanks, but I do have a favor to ask you. Would you and the brothers set up a meeting to help me and [a family member that started shunning me when I quit attending the meetings] reconcile?”
He said he’d have to ask “the brothers” and would get back to me. That was several years ago.
I’m still waiting ...
Faded for almost 10 years and still getting random calls
by ctrwtf inhi all, just wondering if anyone is in the same boat.
wifey and i dropped off the face of the jw planet almost a decade ago and still get 3 or 4 visits a year mostly when we are not dressed or expecting visitors.
it's really annoying because we are both wondering why they don't get the hint already.. we don't want to move because we really enjoy where we live and both have careers that keep us in the area.. i've asked politely that they stop calling but like the "godfather" they keep "pulling me in.".
We don't want to move because ...
Why would you even say that?
Probably you’re too polite. I get that. If you REALLY want them to stop coming by, next time they do be explicit and clear. Tell them to get the clue and leave you alone.
You could always write a letter to the BOE and tell them to mark you as a “Do Not Call.”
Understanding Armageddon
by Jayk inso will armageddon be the biblical one we read about or is it probably going to be a government ban on christians that we will perceive as armageddon?
HB: The whole belief thing is rooted in imagination and human yearnings for something better.
Well said!
Quit worrying about a mythical fantasy designed to induce fear and controllability.
It's time to get on with your life. Worry about the things that are real and you can actually do something about!
...and so the shunning begins
by Phoebe ini am now officially 'inactive' so am no longer chased by an elder a for a report.
the congregation i belonged to never had much time for me anyway, i said once i could drop down dead in the k.hall and no one would notice.
so i never expected anyone to be particularly bothered that i wasn't there and they aren't.
Phoebe: I'm not surprised, but can't say it doesn't hurt because it does.
That’s really it. Even when we know it’s coming and expect it, it still hurts to be cut off and shunned by people we care for.
It sounds like the one sister that “left” for a time probably is still a believer. I say that because she returned and is now shunning you for leaving.
You might try and remind her of that, but remember her WT indoctrination will cause her to interpret your real, unconditional friendship as “spiritual weakness” on your part.
Sorry you’re dealing with this. It sucks to find out that we’ve invested time and emotion into people that can’t return the same unconditionally. But you have learned some important things about yourself and what kind of person you are.
Now you have the opportunity to make real friendships and find people that love you for WHO you are and not WHAT YOU (pretend to) BELIEVE.