I’m curious why you’d say that.
It may be different in other places, but where I live (Southern California) gay is the preferred term for self-identification by all the homosexual people I know.
What’s “in yer face” about it? Please explain.
of course the religion condemns homosexuality but did you know any gay witnesses?
i knew some bethelites that were very effeminate and i remember 4 women who were suspected of being lesbians by many in the congregation.
they eventually moved away and were very vocal against males, especially elders..
I’m curious why you’d say that.
It may be different in other places, but where I live (Southern California) gay is the preferred term for self-identification by all the homosexual people I know.
What’s “in yer face” about it? Please explain.
of course the religion condemns homosexuality but did you know any gay witnesses?
i knew some bethelites that were very effeminate and i remember 4 women who were suspected of being lesbians by many in the congregation.
they eventually moved away and were very vocal against males, especially elders..
Minimus, why did you put gay in “scare quotes” in the OP thread title?
greetings, fellow bibliophiles:.
i remember how sad i was, as a little child, when our beloved carnegie library was razed (unsafe, structurally).
the same tragedy occurred when we moved to a new town and that similar architectural treasure was demolished to put up a new and gleaming building of steel and glass.
They were and still are.
My love of reading began as a child.
My older sister, a teacher, has oft commented that I read more than anyone else she knows.
we all have likely heard the expression "to break a person" and usually it's in relation to kidnappers, bullies, pimps, human traffickers and cult leaders.. when a person is broken, their spirit, goals, aspirations, pursuits, self esteem, critical thinking and dreams are taken away.
what fills that vacuum is despair, depression, low self esteem, lack of self confidence and individuality.
the victim now believes that they are not worthy of enjoying life and following their dreams and personal satisfaction through personal achievements.
See breaking sessions for more info.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Jrjw: I'm so surprised this conversation is still going on.
Me too.
I actually stayed away from this thread for the last 16 pages or so because it just got so ridiculously stupid it wasn't even funny.
Also, I noticed that the Flat-Earthers never addressed my questions or comments or any serious ones posted by others. That just proved to me they really aren't interested in examining their own beliefs and the science that refutes it. They just want to be difficult and make assertions without providing any evidence.
"Do the research," they say, ignoring the obvious fact that most of us have and that's why we think the notion of a flat earth is absurdly ridiculous. Here are a few of my posts which were all, AFAIK, routinely ignored by the FE crowd:
At any rate, when I saw the NASA post in my Twitter feed about how to spot the International Space Station I thought it relevant.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Spot the International Space Station (NASA)
Watch the International Space Station pass overhead from several thousand worldwide locations. It is the third brightest object in the sky and easy to spot if you know when to look up.
Visible to the naked eye, it looks like a fast-moving plane only much higher and traveling thousands of miles an hour faster!
Explore and find sighting opportunities. Learn how to spot the station and more.
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
Spot the International Space Station (NASA)
Watch the International Space Station pass overhead from several thousand worldwide locations. It is the third brightest object in the sky and easy to spot if you know when to look up.
Visible to the naked eye, it looks like a fast-moving plane only much higher and traveling thousands of miles an hour faster!
Explore and find sighting opportunities. Learn how to spot the station and more.
just thought i'd start a thread about what i've been up to recently.
any comments and suggestions are welcome.. so here goes .... i'm interested in enrolling for a master's degree and i've almost completed it.
i just need one more reference, plus i need to sort out the finances.. i'd been claiming universal credit for 2 years after graduating from uni.
LUHE: maybe I could think about teaching ...
I can recommend it as a noble and very rewarding (albeit not necessarily monetarily) profession.
Feel free to PM me if you'd like!
on grief and loss.
each and every tear is a memory.
and when you feel so intensely all that you have lost, you are also remembering everything that you have had.
Sail Away and Moster, It’s nice to be appreciated!
Wasanelder, I’m sorry about your loss. Thanks for sharing your own feelings on the matter. It is complicated!
Good JW, I think it’s important to work through your feelings; burying them is generally not the healthiest approach as they are left unresolved, unexperienced. Grief is indeed a process. It takes time, and just when you think you’re over and done with it, something can trigger a memory and bring those emotions back to the surface.
JRK, Exquisite pain indeed. Thanks for sharing the Lou Reed song. I wasn’t familiar with that one!
greetings, dreamers:.
i guess it's never going away: daytime carryovers of jw-related stuff seeping into my dreams.. the majority of these dreams take place at conventions but with really weird trappings.
last night i dreamed i arrived at the site with no books, no lunch, nothing but my car keys.
I just found this in Recovery From Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse:
"Nightmares ... are symptoms of what is called post-traumatic stress disorder; they are commonly found in survivors of destructive cults, incest, rape, and war, as well as victims of natural disasters, such as floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes" (APA, 1987, as cited in Langone, 1993, p. 321). - [Bold added]