Thank you Sir82 for your excerpts and analysis.
Let's review: It's a cult!
since blondie seems to still be on sabbatical, i'll take the liberty of highlighting a couple of "gems" from this week's upcoming study, from the article "reject worldly thinking".. from paragraph 12:.
is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness?
remember that the craving to control others and the longing to be admired are the desires that enticed satan, but he is angry, not happy.. .
again with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
"And this good news of the loose-fitting pants will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." - ToMo 24:14 rNWT
"Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting multi-colored socks that cause desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains." - ToMo 24:15-16 rNWT
i am adrift, without rudder, in a sea of broken dreams.. my mind descends into a tangle of seaweed, which pulls my.
hapless frame downward into a black and sinister realm that.
holds its jailed without pity, with scant hope of future release.. i do love the land and all her beauty but fear the sea; i'm no.
One day, yes. One day.
Till then: May courage fill our hearts and conviction empower our souls.
Ne’er again will I allow another to command me.
I am the captain of my soul. I recognize no one as superior to me. No one.
I will stand tall; I will be free.
I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees.
again with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
How weird that it begins with two of the "elders" admitting they hadn't read all the directions!
That's a real WTF moment?!?
The WTBTS always takes every possible opportunity to make everyone of its members--EVERYONE--feel like no matter what you do, or how much you do, it's never enough!
This "You're a pathetic piece of shit" moment has been brought to you with "warm Christian love" from the Governing Body, Inc.
with all the leaked information, it has to be a one way direction to the exit for the watchtower leadership and gb.. they can not stay.. it can take time, but this is the only scenario.. g..
I’ll quote CoCo and complete the thought as I understand it: [If] “an elder ... lost the confidence of the congregation” he would no longer be qualified to serve.
That is correct in the congregations.
However, the problem is this: in cults “the rules” do NOT apply to the cult leaders.
i hope hollywood helps make her the democratic nominee.
she sounds like she’s testing out the waters.
good luck ms. winfrey.