Your mother is confused.
The vast majority of JWs have no fucking idea what they are supposed to believe, but if you disagree with them or the Governing Body—whoever the hell they are—they will cut you off in a heartbeat.
Let’s review: It’s a cult!
yesterday, i had my sister come over to tell my mother and i that she will no longer have anything to do with us, because we need to come back to the meetings, it’s what jehovah wants, and hands her a letter to read and asks for a final hug.
my mother has been dealing with a terrible lost of dad since july, and has been very ill with stress because of it.
i no longer belong to the organization either, and i have been helping my mother out thru this ordeal, it is just as rough on me.
Your mother is confused.
The vast majority of JWs have no fucking idea what they are supposed to believe, but if you disagree with them or the Governing Body—whoever the hell they are—they will cut you off in a heartbeat.
Let’s review: It’s a cult!
greetings, former children:.
i really miss my childhood home, which we left in 1960. dad sold it for some 12,000 dollars; it recently sold for somewhere under 1.5 million.
it's only a tiny bungalow but in a prosperous bay area town, not too far from san francisco, california.. the art and literature that are so important to me -- and for many others of us -- got their start in my heart and mind here in the california mountains.
CoCo: Do you have a similar tale to tell?
I do. Details to follow ...
the other day i ran into a jw who just happened to be my very friend during my jw days (which were most of my life).
so for about 60 years we were each other’s very best friend.
we grew up together from about 8 years old and are the same age, now in our early 70’s.
Agreed. The religion I joined on the ‘80s no longer exists. There is nothing to “leave.”
The name is the same, but the current Governing Body members are all apostates. It is THEY that have left the religion.
hi guys.
just wanted to share this with you as it's kind of got me worried.
my brother who was also raised in "the truth™" met me in town today for a coffee.
One thing i noticed is that since he cut all ties his self worth has soared
^^^ THIS ^^^
today is the four year anniversary of the last time i set foot in a kingdom hall.
it was the day of the kool-aid issue of the wt!
“at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
Thanks, CoCo!
today is the four year anniversary of the last time i set foot in a kingdom hall.
it was the day of the kool-aid issue of the wt!
“at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
Today is the four year anniversary of the last time I set foot in a Kingdom Hall.
It was the day of the Kool-Aid issue of the WT!
“At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.” - Watchtower, November 15, 2013
if you are a former jw elder, can you share any examples of corruption which you personally witnessed that were kept secret from the congregation?
following is an account from a longtime elder named tommy who recently disassociated.. the minor daughter of a presiding elder in a west texas congregation committed fornication with a 19-year old baptized witness in her father’s home.
the daughter had to confess to a judicial committee which included the aforementioned tommy.
One can only assume that the young man–who went on to marry the young girl–was advised by the girl’s father to keep his mouth shut, thereby allowing the father to maintain his position of power in the congregation ...
One can only assume ...
It's hard for me to classify something as "corruption" when elders "break rules" that shouldn't even be rules in the first place!
gosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
Love it, CoCo, love it!
for almost 12 years now, i have been coming to this site on a regular basis and in the last 5, i “faded out”.
i never regretted this and never will.
unfortunately though, yesterday, i realized that, until i can publically tell all my old acquaintances why i have left, i will never be truly free.
I have found plenty of people who invested their time and resources in order to help people like me with compassion, love and facts.
^^^ THIS ^^^^
hi guys.
just wanted to share this with you as it's kind of got me worried.
my brother who was also raised in "the truth™" met me in town today for a coffee.
PE, that fact that any of this is happening just further proves what we here already know: this is a manipulative, destructive, high-control, authoritarian cult.
Ultimately, your brother will be better off with this in his rearview mirror, but the transition can certainly be rough as countless here among us can testify.
I'm glad to know he has you!