Topics Started by Kas12
by Kas12 ini had this friend at school who is bisexual and she asked me to date twice both times i said no im not interested in girls that way but then she told everyone that we were dating and now im being called gay and lesbian.
one boy in my class said to me that im going against jws and then started calling me gay and other names.
then another girl in my class said theres nothing wrong with being gay and im being brainwashed by the jws..
by Kas12 ini am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
Flat earth vs round earth
by Jrjw inmy brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.