1) You are asking who that ex-PM was? I cannot reveal it (which may lead to my identity that would put me into trouble with my BOE). Bethel has its protective mechanism for long-time servants as they are lovingly taken care of till their death in rooms built near to Bethel infirmary.
2) You say “You have not addressed the matter of the control of and denying access to information.” You have to make some allowances to such inevitable evils as they are also human beings and have to protect the larger interest of an organization. I see the organization in its essence [preaching of God's kingdom], not in its details. Cultic aspects fall into details. You too were enjoying being a JW till the time you had tasted its punitive measures for which you provided the basis wittingly or unwittingly. After that, looking back at the organization through your hurt eyes will not give you correct vision. Transcend your personal hurt, you will be amazed at the results—you will not see your hurt, but will see the grand, beautiful, core cause the JW system stands for. Its all have to do with our view. When I reach New York's airport, I used to be asked to remove my shoes during the security checking process. I willingly start to remove my shoes. Often when had removed one shoe, the security officer said okay with a smile and told me to not remove the other shoe. Yet I find many fellow travellers criticize it or doing it murmuring. Why this difference? The reason is that I took the removing of my shoes as part of a discipline, at the larger interest of a great nation which stands for freedom, while others took it as an instance of being insulted.