There are number of Nobel Laureates and other great
scientists in both the camps defending their respective theories of Evolution
and Creation, which means both are just stories, and both suffer from having no
eye-witnesses. If either of them were true, all scientists would have accepted
it unanimously as they do with rest of the Laws such as Law of Gravity.
This does not mean that there is no God. There are two
channels for the acquisition of knowledge—1) five senses, 2) intuitive
knowledge—something that Einstein admitted that he used in the formulation of
his theory of relativity. Now let us use our intuitive mind, along with on our experience:
I came
through my parents (not from them, because they did not create their sperms and
eggs, and also they did nothing in the formation of me within the womb of my
mother which happened with no conscious effort from my parents).
My parents came through their parents (not from
If we go back like this, where is that it is going to end? We humans know that we exist, and we also know
that other beings inferior to human beings exist. Just because we know these
much, can we say that there exist no other beings superior to humans? No one would
say that he knows to count from 1 to 10, hence 10 is the highest number.
Similarly, no one can authentically believe in his heart that humans are the highest
of high and there are no superior beings, or no Supreme Being above us. It is
not for no reason that remembrance of a Supreme Being appearing virtually in
all cultures as one who gives a perfect start to human history. If humans
continue to live by their conscience doing good to each other, they will
prosper, otherwise they will decline in quality and will reach the climax state
of affairs (as the Bible puts figuratively) as though in “mixture of clay and
iron.” At this point, it is natural that the Supreme Being “will set up a
kingdom” which “will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, making
everything new.” (Daniel 2:44; Rev 21:5). For anyone to benefit from this
intervention of God, naturally he should have already lived kingdom-life
manifesting kingdom qualities.
Religions are supposed to lead people into the above
awareness and into cultivating Kingdom qualities—especially compassion. (Mathew
9:13) Compassion is king of all good qualities, and it is not a dry quality
which drains our savings or assents. Compassion primarily helps the giver himself
(rather than the recipients) because helping others is in effect helping
ourselves as it produces joy and brings cooperation from others in the long run.
However, all religions start off well;
then they turn into money-making through supplementary teachings like fence
eating the crops. (Mathew 13:33) It is sad to say that JWs are also no
exception. However ‘eagle-eyed ones’ (Mathew 24:28) are simply soaring above
the supplementary teachings, focused on their own growth in Kingdom qualities
so that they come into a worthy stage. Then it is God’s turn—He “will gather
his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the
heavens” (Mark 13:27) which means God’s people are found in “all nations” or religions.
(Mathew 25:32)