I tell people to never join the JW's. Big promises with zero return with alot of self righteous azzhole leaders and some who are this way. If you care about people you will discourage anyone from joining an adsent minded , self righteous cult. Run from them. If you are studying with them check out JWFacts.com . Ask questions and I mean alot of questions.
JoinedPosts by Overrated
Thinking of Joining Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 inare you thinking of joining jehovah's witnesses?.
then watch this short video.. https://youtu.be/ppynyynb_ak.
Many Jw’s Love to Speculate About the New System
by Davros ina comment on another thread cracked me up where the poster related what some elder said on the platform that: .
in the new system, we likely will not have genitals.” lol.
i’ve heard so much speculation from many jw’s on what will and won’t be allowed in the new system.
Davros- No gentials in that new world. How I 'm Going to hang my sign for a mate with no wedding tackle?
Many Jw’s Love to Speculate About the New System
by Davros ina comment on another thread cracked me up where the poster related what some elder said on the platform that: .
in the new system, we likely will not have genitals.” lol.
i’ve heard so much speculation from many jw’s on what will and won’t be allowed in the new system.
I'm just saying it will not happen even if they get a wild bug up their azz (Watchtower) and take matters in their own hands as God's will. Too many things to list that would stop them if it comes to that. -
Many Jw’s Love to Speculate About the New System
by Davros ina comment on another thread cracked me up where the poster related what some elder said on the platform that: .
in the new system, we likely will not have genitals.” lol.
i’ve heard so much speculation from many jw’s on what will and won’t be allowed in the new system.
Watchtower 's World take over will never happen. And thank God or who ever it never will! There is too any gun packing Americans who will not allow a crazy cult to take over. I know if worst case comes to be, " lock and load, bitch!" I will be spraying lead.
Listen Obey and Be Blessed
by Anna Marina inthought i'd share if no one has done so already.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxf75u-xoji.
Listen obey and be broke.
I don't believe there are 8 million JWS
by Hotpepper inwith all the closing of halls.
and all the csa cases.
and all the jws not only slipping out the back door.
With Watchtower there always seems to be a fake transparency. The numbers they give and then the real numbers. Just like at those convention$ always short on money but anyone who really thinks about it knows damn well that it is paid for and then some.
The race for life related to running
by BourneIdentity inif you were running a 5k race, what would it mean to you if someone said the end is around the corner, keep running the race, don’t give up!.
you would literally believe it was around the next corner, wouldn’t you?
when it wasn’t, you’d start questioning if you heard them correctly.
More like running in a circle with no finish line insight.
Feels more like a cult
by Walrus inso i grew up around this religion and never liked it.
nothing ever made sense and nobody ever clarified anything if i asked them a question.
i'm 17 right now so you'd figure oh only one more year until you can leave.
Pistolpete sum it up well. I got out late in life and made many mistakes. If you can get out and educated and then a good job you have it made.
The latest “special” campaign!
by DATA-DOG inwell, here ya go.... dd 🙄.
Anything special in JW world is not really special at all.
Pioneers privilige
by justice34 inorganization and congregation seems to give so much attention to the pioneers and the hours.
encouraging the members to get even the 30h at the month of c/o visit even if they don't complete the minimum of the hours.
why do they give so much praise and attention to pioneers?
I Pioneered for a month. Just not worth it and a big waste of time. In fact the whole JW thing is one big waste of time that only a small few benefit from.