I advised by an elder to test the truth. The more I studied, the more questions started to arise, the elders didn't want to answer my questions. Their response was their usual "Wait on Gee-hober " or "Your getting close to Apostasy " with the Org it was always hidden knowledge and one sided. Alot of things I found on the org/Bible lead me out of the Org.
JoinedPosts by Overrated
What made you walk out on the "Truth"?
by Overrated ini had a legal divorce from my ex wife( law of the land).
i was told not to expect to get remarried because my divorce was not legal to watchtower.. my divorce and situation seem to be a talk of gossip and even a many local needs talks.
i wanted to take some more schooling to get a better job, there was a local needs talk on higher education and it's dangers.
What made you walk out on the "Truth"?
by Overrated ini had a legal divorce from my ex wife( law of the land).
i was told not to expect to get remarried because my divorce was not legal to watchtower.. my divorce and situation seem to be a talk of gossip and even a many local needs talks.
i wanted to take some more schooling to get a better job, there was a local needs talk on higher education and it's dangers.
I had a legal divorce from my ex wife( law of the land). I was told not to expect to get remarried because my divorce was not legal to Watchtower.
My Divorce and situation seem to be a talk of gossip and even a many local needs talks. I wanted to take some more schooling to get a better job, there was a local needs talk on higher education and it's dangers. It seemed they liked seeing me in bad shape. But wanted my time, money and energy. I walked out an never looked back.
Describe life as a JW.
by Overrated inunder constant watch of other jw.
being told how your life is run.
everything you do under a microscope.
You get to a point where you think," Do I really want to live forever with these self-righteous azzholes ?"
Describe life as a JW.
by Overrated inunder constant watch of other jw.
being told how your life is run.
everything you do under a microscope.
Under constant watch of other JW. Being told how your life is run. Everything you do under a microscope. Enslaved to a self centered, self righteous group who serves no for real purpose for humanity. It is the hemorrhoid to society.
What Do You Know of JWs Getting Away With Stuff?
by minimus ini realized that teenagers and young witness adults were getting away with murder per my daughter.
she told me that all these exemplary young people featured at assemblies and conventions were not real good examples.
after she got married years ago to a “ worldly “ man, she told me about all the kids who were fornicating and getting drunk and high, including elder’s kids.
The "Holy Spirit" is like "Gee-hober's Chariot" off the side of the road, driver missing, 4 flat tires, out of gas with a blown head gasket. It's been like that from the start.
What Do You Know of JWs Getting Away With Stuff?
by minimus ini realized that teenagers and young witness adults were getting away with murder per my daughter.
she told me that all these exemplary young people featured at assemblies and conventions were not real good examples.
after she got married years ago to a “ worldly “ man, she told me about all the kids who were fornicating and getting drunk and high, including elder’s kids.
In the hall their was elder sons that would get away with anything because of Daddy's position. Talk about favoritism it run all thru that hall. If you where not in the clique or anybody you where disregarded and looked down on. Glad I'm out, they can have their little clique.
What Were You or Someone You Knew Counseled For That Was Ridiculous?
by minimus inback in the day, tons of witnesses were brought in the “back room “ to be counseled by elders because of their dress and grooming.
some elders frowned on mustaches or hair that went past a certain point on a male.
women were regularly harassed because their skirt was too long or too short or had a slit on the side.
I was pulled into the back room for getting an education. My question to the Elders was Does Gee-hober want stupid people? This seems what they where implying. Keep people stupid. But then I was not one who you can easily deceive. My education trained me on how to think clearly and critically. Which they(Watchtower) don't like.
What Were You or Someone You Knew Counseled For That Was Ridiculous?
by minimus inback in the day, tons of witnesses were brought in the “back room “ to be counseled by elders because of their dress and grooming.
some elders frowned on mustaches or hair that went past a certain point on a male.
women were regularly harassed because their skirt was too long or too short or had a slit on the side.
I was pulled in the room for so much. I got to the point where I told the PO I can't wait till I move out of my parents house. I'll never be in this stuff(a clean word to use) anymore, you can take it where the light don't shine.
Raising a teenager outside of “the truth”
by StephaneLaliberte ini was raised as a jw and left the group as many of the teachings don’t align with my core values.
now, forward almost 10 years, my wife and i are raising our kids through puberty and i have to admit, this challenge is not easy and seems to be even more difficult in that my own upbringing was very different.
i find it hard to compare how i was raised with what i now must do for my own kids.
Well said. Wish my parents took a different approach without Watchtower.