The difference, 8 dumbasses run the show and benefit from donation from their followers.
JoinedPosts by Overrated
Questions for Jehovahs Witness's (From a Christian)
by QuestionsforJehovahWitness inhey all!just to start i want to let you know the reason i'm here is for a school project.the project is very simple.
the goal is to learn about other religions.
this information will only be used to inform not to spread hate, deceit, or insult.i have three general questions.
2 vaccines on the way! Satan's henchmen and evil minions come through again!
by nowwhat? inas jehovahs people how thankful we are we can rely on satan's world for providing the technology to allow us to have zoom meetings.
and providing physical food as well through the farmers to families food program.
and now we are blessed that soon yes very soon!
Watchtower hates education except when it benefits them. They cry the loudest for help. Then when thing are taking care of , they thank their imaginary friend Jeehober for solving their issues instead of credit to the people with an education. God forbid you get an education because once you start using your brain, you learn that they are full of shit.
Height of mountains before and after the flood .
by smiddy3 init was stated many years ago in answer to how did the flood cover the top of all the mountains on earth in noah`s day.?.
mount everest ?.
and it was explained away by saying that the mountains before the flood were a lot smaller / lower than the mountains that exist today.. so there was no problem .. when the deluge began with so much volume of water now covering the earth ( water being heavy ) pushed down into the weakest parts of the earth and raised up in other parts of the earth to where we now have higher mountains than existed before the flood of noah`s day.. in other words mount everest didn`t exist at its present height before the flood and neither did any other high mountain that exists today ,the topography all changed with the noachian flood.
The Flood story always had me asking questions. Which led to more questions with my interest in science. The whole story doesn't make sense from science.
Do You Ever Wonder Where Are They Now?
by minimus ini remember so many witnesses who were pretty liberal minded.
i knew some that were the ones someone would talk to to get a “balanced “ perspective.
they were not hardliners.
I wish Google came sooner in my life. All the years wasted with these dumbasses.
Watchtowers next big revenue stream!
by nowwhat? inevidently it would seem the wt sold the rights and will get royalties from "listen obey and be blessed.." this obviously is a trial balloon for what's to come.
kim and mikey alluded to this and i have been wondering why they are planning on spending hundreds of millions on a new movie studio in n.y. and also in australia just for the benefit of the few million jdub's.
well here's the answer, they are going to make money off the royalties from their music and video content selling to other church groups.
Listen, Obey, be Broke!(for it's follows) will not be the first time. No surprise what Watchtower has it's hands in.
Another KH Bites the Dust
by The Bethelite inthey finally sold the kingdom hall in sedona az.. the funny thing is the unity church of sedona bought it.
i like the unity people, they believe in loving everyone no matter what.
whatever you want to believe is fine by them.. is the planet changing?
Listen, Obey and be Broke! Seems to be the anthem with these groups.
Another KH Bites the Dust
by The Bethelite inthey finally sold the kingdom hall in sedona az.. the funny thing is the unity church of sedona bought it.
i like the unity people, they believe in loving everyone no matter what.
whatever you want to believe is fine by them.. is the planet changing?
Great! One less Kingdumb Hell to go to and listen to bullshit and on top of that donate.
Do You Ever Wonder Where Are They Now?
by minimus ini remember so many witnesses who were pretty liberal minded.
i knew some that were the ones someone would talk to to get a “balanced “ perspective.
they were not hardliners.
The liberal/balance ones are out looking at Watchtower going about their business and thanking god they had sense to step out and not follow Watchtower craziness.
''Faith in Action'' video....Jesus Disciples depicted with ''field service bags'' and preaching with ''Scrolls''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhere is a screenshot from a video on
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
What no pictures of Jesus doing cart preaching?
2 vaccines on the way! Satan's henchmen and evil minions come through again!
by nowwhat? inas jehovahs people how thankful we are we can rely on satan's world for providing the technology to allow us to have zoom meetings.
and providing physical food as well through the farmers to families food program.
and now we are blessed that soon yes very soon!
It is amazing how this wicked world provides better then Jeehober. No part of the world but sure take advantage as to what it has. It separates what is real and what is imagined.