When I was a child I saw two persons in my parents. Them when they where way from other JW's and the other when they where around JW's. I was not going to wear no fake mask for these people. I had a feeling it was as all bullshit, but as a Jw child what can I do?
JoinedPosts by Overrated
The difference in JWs in the cult
by mickbobcat ini have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
JW Scheduler
by truthlover123 inhas anyone on here downloaded the app " jw scheduler"?.
in perusing this site i see info re if publishers are going back to the halls after the covid is "in control".
some comments are that numbers are dropping - not here... more connected than were actually going to the halls.
I wonder if they put on the App a pre paid donation section where you donate for Gee-hovah Bucks. ?
wt's idea of the ideal family headship
by waton infor lurkers.
this week's wt study.
quick summary: .
Seeing that the Governing Body can't even predict their way out of things from day one. Has made a lot of doubt on leadership roles in family. Jwism has a very poor view of women and children. I can't follow treating my wife as a second class person. A relationship is a partnership, a two way street where both parties are equal. This Jw stuff just doesn't work.
The difference in JWs in the cult
by mickbobcat ini have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
Aah! What freedom we have that we no longer have to serve a self serving cult.
Let those self righteous sucks be trapped in that bull. I'm going to live my life.
The difference in JWs in the cult
by mickbobcat ini have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
Somethings I would do when I was forced into Jw activities that I had too:
On the the kh stage was a hiding pull out dry erase board. In big letters in red I wrote "Bullshit"! The brother giving the talk was shocked and so was the cong.
My parents would make me do field circus(service) I never knocked and If I did I would not talk anything about Jw stuff. I wouldn't do Nh records all not interested.
The difference in JWs in the cult
by mickbobcat ini have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
I at a young age was "forced" to be a Jw. Sure I would go to the Kh, but I was not all into it. Just too bullshit. I could not wait to be out on my own so I can leave the Jw bullshit completely.
Sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses vs. Insincere Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus inas far as i know, sincere jws are always welcomed here.
even though this site is not pro jw , if someone wants to ask a question or try to understand a point of view, there are many here who over the years have tried to help sincere witnesses.
if i believe someone is here just trying to push buttons, i will either ignore them or actually question their motives.
I came to this website to confirm my spider sense about Jwism. It has help me to fade and to never return to abuse of a self serving cult. I hope to plant seeds to help others find "true freedom" not serving a cult but by living a happy fulfilling life that Jwism would like to rob you of.
Sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses vs. Insincere Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus inas far as i know, sincere jws are always welcomed here.
even though this site is not pro jw , if someone wants to ask a question or try to understand a point of view, there are many here who over the years have tried to help sincere witnesses.
if i believe someone is here just trying to push buttons, i will either ignore them or actually question their motives.
We here can sort out the ones who need help and have real questions. Those rest that want to be on a soap box will be called out.
WT Says Don't Contract with False Religion, But Does Just That
by Sea Breeze in.
let's all open up our crystals to 2 facet 1: 1 - here we lean about how buddha escapes prism.
One "Brother" wanted me to lie on a report for a KH refinance project. My company nor my license didn't allow that to happen. This one of many things I had to deal with this group.
Do You Tip At Eateries?
by minimus inif you go to a restaurant, do you tip and typically how much?
if you were given a 90 minute time frame to eat at a restaurant, would that restriction limit your tipping to the waitress or waiter?.
also if you order a coffee and donut and pick it up, do you contribute to the “tip jar” that’s on the counter?
After convention$, I have seen brothers tip with Watchtowers. What kind of shit is that and makes them look real cheap!?! Such low lifes.