To: John.Prestor Its obvious you believe in the two witness rule.
History has a long history of Cynocephaly sightings. Reports of dog-headed races can also be traced back to Greek antiquity.
In the fifth century BC, the Greek physician Ctesias, in his Indica, wrote a detailed report on the existence of cynocephali in India.
Similarly, the Greek traveler Megasthenes claimed to know about dog-headed people in India who lived in the mountains,
communicated through barking, wore the skins of wild animals and lived by hunting.
Herodotus reports claims by ancient Libyans that such creatures inhabit the east of their lands.
The best estimate for the place where the battle between the Argonauts and the Cynocephali took place
is modern day North Serbia, or South Hungary.
Medieval travelers Giovanni da Pian del Carpine and Marco Polo both mention cynocephali.
Picture of Saint Christopher