Play this for them and then ask them what they think... this is Christopher Hitchens who DIED of cancer
JoinedPosts by John_Carter_1912
If you speak against the Governing Body you will be punished.
by punkofnice inthis was a comment from the meeting(tm) on sunday.. the person that told me about it, is very confused about the validity of the corporation.
somewhere between a pimo and a pimi-lite.
the thing that angered me was that this person has cancer.
The Simpson's APU is now NOT politically correct...
by The Fall Guy he's being cut from the the programme.
the world is going bonkers!
Hank Azaria is a white Jew making mockery of Indian people in brown face... F*ck him
Who make up the new memorial partakers?
by jwfacts inwhen the doctrine regarding 1935 being the close of the calling was done away with in 2007, it was not unexpected to see the number rise.
over the next few years it went from around 8,500 to 10,500. this seemed to indicate that there were a couple of thousand people that may have felt they had the calling all along, but too shy to profess it.
for the 30 year period between the mid 1978 and 2007, parktakers had barely dropped.
can't help on this one
Retired Montana Supreme Court Justice writes regarding JW defense of sex offenders
by gone for good injim nelson's short 5 paragraph opinion piece in the helena independent record calls for a change to the law that allows perpetrating jehovahs witnesses to escape prosecution.
and the facilitators (watchtower in this case) to be held accountable.
is he writing the article... or is he endorsing a letter from a GUEST that wrote to him?
Why does it say Dear Sir?
In 1 coordinated night, the congregation collapsed within 60 minutes
by BottleGate_ in
from post.... "breaking news from japan ... actually quite extraordinary news.
just got off the phone to a good pimo friend in japan.
Original poster has deleted the story off of reddit... and subsequent posts... also poster just joined on 1-5-2020 and states "Born in JW finally free after 43 years" but only joined reddit for 17 hours
One simple photo to sum up the heartless and hypocritical attitudes of many Jehovah's Witnesses
by nicolaou in.
this was taken in london yesterday by a twitter user still managing his fade so i can't be more specific than that.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses truly Christian?
Luke 10:30
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.
2019--June Announcements and Reminders and More!
by Atlantis in2019 international bible students branch construction project. .
2019 ireland branch construction project.
Watchtower appeals in Montana.
by lastmanstanding ini won’t steal barb’s thunder, but has anyone had a chance to peruse the appeal that watchtower launched yesterday?.
watchtower’s main argument is that stuff was said in confidence with confidentiality surrounding that confidence and they are confident that clergy confidentiality which is in confidence is confidential.. in short, it ‘was a secret and should stay a secret.’.
omg.. and watchtower claims that this verdict “violates the constitution of the usa”.. i wish the jury could tack on another $50m and include watchtower lawyers are to be hanged.. i just had to say something.
Watchtower's argument is that if we classify child rape as confidential, then we don't have to follow the law to report child rape... o boy
What is wrong with Hollyweird?
by LoveUniHateExams inso, the trailer for the new batwoman series was released a few days ago.. proof positive that hollywood, cw network and other movie/tv producers live in their own bubble and are continuing to push their sjw agenda.. the trailer itself has unbelievable levels of cringe at times.. batwoman happens to be a woman (if you hadn't already guessed) and an out and proud lesbian.
of course, there's nothing wrong with any of this, it just feels so forced.
within a few seconds of the trailer you get some girl-on girl action, just to hammer home the sexuality thing.
That trailer made me want to go back to meetings
Iran copies the Watchtower's "prophecy"
by eyeuse2badub inworld.
iran youth will witness demise of israel, 'american civilization': khamenei.
reuters 17 hours ago .
Israel is an ANTISEMITIC state...
it is racist toward black Jews...
homophobic toward gay Jews...
anti-religious toward Anti-Zionist Jews...
and GOD forbid you expose the truth about how Christians are being persecuted in Israel...
you'll up mysteriously dead like Jewish Bob Simon!
He died in a car accident in New York!