Hi Frenchy,
regarding your statement:
Solid: They are not all white anymore
a PR move perhaps? What's the ratio?-SolidSender
i found this at the freeminds site.
it's a post from h20 that i just had to post.. .
posted by lovesdubs [lovesdubs] on july 02, 2000 at 16:55:22 {mw75jfstgk0hi4vk0miqsqbw4hhnmw}:.
Hi Frenchy,
regarding your statement:
Solid: They are not all white anymore
a PR move perhaps? What's the ratio?-SolidSender
i found this at the freeminds site.
it's a post from h20 that i just had to post.. .
posted by lovesdubs [lovesdubs] on july 02, 2000 at 16:55:22 {mw75jfstgk0hi4vk0miqsqbw4hhnmw}:.
waiting - hi & thanks for writing.
in response to statements you made in your post as follows:
Thanks for the clarification, sorry you don't come here to discuss scriptures. I like that aspect - for I still have an interest in learning the Bible
I don't mind discussing the scriptures. It's discussing WTBTS manipulation of scripture that I don't have any enthusiasm for. Getting bogged down in those kinds of discussions seems to be a "can't see the forest for the trees" issue to me. To re-iterate briefly, in the mind of the adherent to doublespeak certain verbal triggers have been entrenched that once spoken by a doublespeak "opponent', close down the doublespeak adherents mind to any kind of rationale. You can't argue against it.
I have scriptural questions I plan to ask and will post sooner or later. Things that perplex me about the bible itself and not WTBTS legalisms. In particular certain teachings of Paul I find hard to reconcile.
that's why I think Friend "can" be very interesting.
I don't find people like Friend interesting, in fact they bore the hell out of me as do most "intellectuals" - talk is cheap. Whenever I read one of his posts I feel as if I'm an entering some kind of Siberia of the soul. Friends posts also remind me a lot of Woody Allen type film scripts, like Annie Hall, you know where the charachters attempt to hide their insecurities behind "intellectual" posturing.
I also enjoy making friends - with anyone I can. As I get older, I realize how much fun it is to share all kinds of thoughts with all kinds of people. I hope you gain that perspective as you get older also.
Waiting my feeling is that sometimes a real friend or a real lover has to tell you things that you don't really want to hear, as hard as that may be, because they are the ones who really know and care about you.
I do not come here to bash and thrash the WTBTS.
Mindcontrol is the end result of massive doses of a reptitive message to the point of entrenchment. As I said in my post above it seems that myself and others here realise that they have to adopt a similar method in opposition, though we havn't a hope.
However, there are some very good psychological sites about mind control that do a very scholarly job of it. I have posted links to a couple. Have you read them. By your previous comments, I would think so.
Honest I havn't and I'm sure your sources do a far better job of it than me.
So, you're a former Catholic like me? Did you go to Catholic schools, like me? I've posted about my knowledge of the history, slightly, of the church, why don't they offend you as much as the WTBTS? Did you go through this same cold hatred of the Catholic Church when you left them? I know I didn't, but they didn't care if I left either.
waiting personally in terms of the mindcontrol question i don't think the two are comparable. The Catholic church is fairly innocuous in that regard compared to the WTBTS.
You've been pumping out some great posts of late - keep it up-SolidSender
this is obviously tongue-in-cheek, but supposedly a real letter to a justice in idaho.. dear justice eismann:.
thank you for doing so much in your campaign to educate the citizens of .
idaho that the bible is the source of our moral law.
Dub - mmmm yea!-SolidSender
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:15:8
Redhorse - ruff, ruff ( which translated from wolf into human means "sure and while i'm at it can i lick your toes?). I'm into dominant women who want to be worshiped.-SolidSender
i wonder how much validity is in the wt teaching that it's wrong to celebrate holidays.
did jesus followers in the first century really not get involved in nationalistic activities?
is the celebration of one's nations independence at odds with jesus and the apostle's teachings?.
Frenchy - hi man. sorry about the delay getting back, last time i checked this thread i hadn't heard from anyone and i've just revisited it now. Please allow me another day or so to contemplate your comments. I'm a slow writer, I don't know about anyone else but sometimes even a simple post takes me some time. thanks for the response and i'll write to you shortly.
Waiting - hi and ditto if that's ok? there's questions i want to ask but it takes me time to sculpt them. You are certainly a survivor.-SolidSender
this is obviously tongue-in-cheek, but supposedly a real letter to a justice in idaho.. dear justice eismann:.
thank you for doing so much in your campaign to educate the citizens of .
idaho that the bible is the source of our moral law.
Dub, if you can come up with a convincing argument as to how the GB will benefit via more literature placements and property acquisition by adopting the above list of potential "new light"/"new truths" i'm sure they could sell it to the rank & file. It fits in quite well with the genre of fiction they've successfully published to date-SolidSender
i found this at the freeminds site.
it's a post from h20 that i just had to post.. .
posted by lovesdubs [lovesdubs] on july 02, 2000 at 16:55:22 {mw75jfstgk0hi4vk0miqsqbw4hhnmw}:.
waiting, hope all is well.
you said:
We are a shockingly low species, in researchers opinion, and we can be conditioned to do, or ignore, pretty much of anything - no matter how degraded.
please see the WTBTS if you wish to be taught by the best.
You also said:
Jehovah made the "lesser animals" with their instincts. With this thought in mind - would He congratulate and reward us for not only ignoring, but adding to, someone's obvious anguish? This is not consistant with love or the Bible - or [b]animal instinct[b]. Whatever happened to Jesus's parable of the Good Samaritan?
Animal instinct is what the WTBTS program amputates from its adherents. As for the Good Samaritan - ignore him, he's a negative fact.
Good point about the attitude of those at the funeral eg. you posted and my apologies for not offering any sympathies.
I don't remember how old you are nor how long you were/are a baptised JW. Did you hold a position within your congregation? Are you disassociated or disfellowshipped or just a slip-away? You do have a creditable command of pseudo psychological terms, and proper English. Do you have a college degree? In what persuasion, and what level?
In answer to your questions, I was a witness for 15 years, a convert from Catholicism. I did not attain any rank within the "organisation". This was due for the most part to the fact it seemed totally devoid of any kind of leadership worth aspiring to. I'm a slip-away. I went cold turkey, though that's just the kind of person I am, I prefer clean breaks. I did not furnish the elders with an opportunity to DF me by my conduct. This was for two reasons: 1)Providing a bunch of megalomaniacs ( the elders ) with an opportunity to wallow in their sadistic tendencies ( judicial hearings) at my expense is not my idea of having fun. 2) I did not wish to provide to an increase in hours ( under the pretext of shepherding calls ) on that same group of megalomaniacs monthly field service report slips.
As for your comments on psychology and english, i have no qualifications or knowledge for that matter on either apart from my own experience. In writing I'm attempting to articulate/improvise the thoughts i now have as a results of my experiences as best I can as i go along.
I'm not really here to make friends or be liked, or tell people what they want to hear - reasons to remain as a WTBTS captive ( though if i do make some friends along the way - great). I'm here to try and provide a counterbalance to that position if i can.
If you go down to the tech questions box you'll find a question i posted simon regarding this sites hits to posts ratio. I really don't know how to interpret the stats definitively but on the surface it appears to be some ridiculous amount. possibly thousands of visits for each post. Once again i could be wrong here ( maybe simon can clarify ). i'll leave you to ponder on the implications of this. i don't know who those thousands of visitors to this site who arn't posting are but i've got a pretty good guess.
Due to this and despite the fact that it may very well be an exercise in futility, most of the time i want to make what i say/post count.
Waiting I do not believe that the issue at stake here is one of sciptural correctness. The documented WTBTS scriptural deceipt/manipulation/error is in my humble opinion now far beyond any dispute. I need make no further contribution to it. The issue at stake here is far simpler - are you going to allow a group of 12 white american males ( no offence meant to any americans - i like americans ) to control your mind and life? Hope this answers some questions about myself for you.-SolidSender
well they use to claim they were...of course now they dont, at least not in so many words.their very name itself however, implies that they speak for jehovah.but if its the case as they claim, that they are not his prophets & do not neccessarily speak for him then they have no right to the name "jehovah witnesses"....furthermore, if they are not prophets then how can they claim that rev11:3-4 is referring to them....pg164 of revelation..grand climax book.here it says that "my 2 witnesses shall prophesy".....but since they are not prophets then how can they prophesy....how can god cause them to prophesy?.
its all games obviously...an attempt to avoid the label "false prophet" but in the process of doing so they just end up looking even more stupid!....
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:48:27
a study of the persuasion techniques used by jehovahs witnesses and the watchtower.. .
a research report submitted to tabor college, adelaide, by nathan charles beel as the directed study project component for the degree of bachelor of arts in christian counselling--- november, 1997.. -introduction.
-liftons criteria for thought reform.
Zep, I don’t know about you but I feel that any serious fascist eg. Hitler etc would have to admire and envy the WTBTS “program”.-SolidSender