Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:56:59
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:56:59
gather the little ones around the monitor and read.
this one to them.. [url] http://www.writepage.com/velvet.htm[/url]
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:54:22
jehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
Frenchy, with all respect:
If everything were bad, there would be no problem. I would have walked out years ago but…I don't see the witnesses as a single mass of mindless zombies (though some are) as some have expressed on various boards and threads. I don't see the elders as evil, power hungry mongrels (although without question there are a few that are) out to ravage the flock. I don't see the Circuit and District Overseers as evil puppetmasters either. I've known too many of them personally for that. I don't view the individual members of the governing body as individuals that are plotting the take over of our minds with nothing more in the end than to increase their 'wealth' and power. I don’t have an intimate acquaintance with any of the GB members but I have met a few and talked to them. Those that I spoke with were very humble and gentle men with none of the arrogance that I have often seen with some of ‘Christendom’s’ ministers
Therein lies the brilliance of the deception. 666.
[b]you were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men. 1Cor 7.23, NEB[b]
jehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
no doubts about anything stated in your above post,
however in view of the indisputable scriptural fact that there is only one mediator between god and men - JC, the only relationship i can see between the WTBTS* & chrisitanity is as it's antithesis.
Therefore completely irrelevant in the big scheme of things?
* and it's men worshipping adherents
thanks again-SolidSender
jehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
BitterTruth - an outstanding post. Thank you for taking the time & trouble to explain and write to me I really appreciate it. Looking forward to more of the same.-SolidSender
you were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.
1 cor 7.23, neb .
xandit you said:.
You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men. 1 Cor 7.23, NEB
xandit you said:
I see what you mean about SS. I wouldn't say he's frightening though. More an object of amusement, I suppose that's cruel but he is funny.
Yea sure xandit I may be amusing but at least I’m not a deluded, gutless, wishy washy, pathetic, dependent, fence sitting, man pleaser like you and friend.
And that’s what you’ll both remain as long as you persistently consider the satanic teachings of the WTBTS ( a man made and led new york based book publishing company ) worthy of even a moments contemplation.
I could tear you to pieces with scripture but I don’t have time to re-type the entire new testament into this post at present you contemptible, faithless, blinded fool.
You literally make me want to vomit.
Go ahead find me amusing while you promulgate the pre fabricated, insipid, suffocating, sterile, stifling, narrow minded, intolerant, rigid, worthless, heartless, soulless, loveless, legalistic, regulation bound, one-dimensional brand of “Christianity “ you subscribe to. It’s all yours you Pharisee. You’re welcome to it.
The only pleasure I gain from reading the feeble, hackneyed platitudes you regurgitate, is in knowing that by decree of the men you credulously worship & fear, your arses will be out on the street for apostasy in no time flat as soon as they find out about your activities here. Such is their faithfulness to you.
Go ahead make my day, respond with a defense of your faithless, man pleasing position by parroting off all the stale, dull, dry, boring WTBTS legalism set in concrete in that narrow, dark, ignorant, cold lonely little cell otherwise known as “your” brain.
We both know that in the light of scripture “your /their” position holds no water and underneath the pseudo- intellectual verbal posturing you’re just an insecure, scared, frightened little person incapable of growing up and facing the reality of having to make one adult decision for once in your pathetic excuse for a “life”.
Yea go ahead and find me amusing - the jokes on you man pleaser-SolidSender
PS don’t forget to count the time you spend responding to this post on your field service report slip this month man pleaser..
i'm looking for a discussion board, or mailing list or something that's a little different than this.
i've been checking around and haven't been able to find just the right flavor.
this isn't too bad but in some ways it's just a more civil version of h2o.
waiting, flattery will get you everywhere.SolidSender
PS. you aint seen nothing yet!
1. blind woman gets new kidney from dad she hasn't.
seen in years.
20-year friendship ends at altar.
seven - hilarious!. have you ever read "the weekly world news"?. it's like "the national enquirer" only more "out there" - designed specifically for the totally credulous reader( my kind of humour ). these sound like their brand of headlines.-SolidSender
PS: in fact i think TWWN & TNE are both published by the same people.
i'm looking for a discussion board, or mailing list or something that's a little different than this.
i've been checking around and haven't been able to find just the right flavor.
this isn't too bad but in some ways it's just a more civil version of h2o.
xandit -
you mean where all you'll hear is what you want to hear? - try talking to yourself-SolidSender
PS - or the GB .
i think each of you will enjoy considering the link below that contains an article titled jehovahs witnesses and the apostolic decree to "abstain from blood.
" authors are anonymous.
here is the link:.
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:41:4