Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:1:46
i am sure most of you have seen the following quote form the wbts's pr site:.
"do you shun former members?.
those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned.
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:1:46
i am sure most of you have seen the following quote form the wbts's pr site:.
"do you shun former members?.
those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned.
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:1:6
.. edited by - solidsender on 10 august 2000 4:30:43
you said:
Was it Christ's purpouse for us in this day and age to look back to before his appearance? Or do we look to Christ's appearance and forward.
In Hebrews Paul says the old covenant was made obselete. It sort of seems like a a situation of "what part of obselete don't you understand?"
WTS indoctrination casts a long shadow:SolidSender
.. edited by - solidsender on 10 august 2000 4:30:43
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:32:13
Typo correction:
My view is that if sexuality is not given a normal, natural outlet it will makes it’s presence felt in all sorts of bizarre ways.
.. edited by - solidsender on 10 august 2000 4:30:43
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:31:44
.. edited by - solidsender on 10 august 2000 4:30:43
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:31:13
.. edited by - solidsender on 10 august 2000 4:30:43
Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:30:43
frenchy greetings from the land down under!.
i hope you dont mind me starting a new post on this but i dont have time to go back and find where we left off.. i know this response has taken me twelve days or so but i wanted to live with our discussion for a while.. i admit i know nothing of your situation, maybe thats better in a way.
though from what youve briefly mentioned there are obviously family & friends entering the stay/leave the wts equation for you.. in regard to the head vs heart matter weve been kicking around, im not saying that this may not amount to a best of two evils type decision though personally i have grave doubts as to whether its a better the devil you know type one.. reading between the lines of your post i sense a great deal of disappointment and melancholy.
Frenchy – greetings from the land down under!
I hope you don’t mind me starting a new post on this but I don’t have time to go back and find where we left off.
I know this response has taken me twelve days or so but I wanted to “live” with our discussion for a while.
I admit I know nothing of your situation, maybe that’s better in a way. Though from what you’ve briefly mentioned there are obviously family & friends entering the stay/leave the WTS equation for you.
In regard to the “head vs heart” matter we’ve been kicking around, I’m not saying that this may not amount to a “best of two evils” type decision though personally I have grave doubts as to whether it’s a “better the devil you know” type one.
Reading between the lines of your post I sense a great deal of disappointment and melancholy. Please correct me if I read wrong.
I want you to know that I’ve spent many years at the bottom of the trough with my old friends’ disappointment, depression, disillusion, despair, heartbreak & loneliness. I have suffered acutely the “dark beauty” of their vision.
I believe these “nothing to hang onto” type emotions are just as valid as any other. They seem to bring together a deeper sense of ones life. A moving through something. At least that’s been my experience.
I respect your,as you say, “sense of duty” & trust that God is with you.
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:55:54