Hi Hubert! Congatulations!!!!
You now have one correct prediction, which beats the WBTS's record!
I hope all is well with you and yours. And I hope you still have contact with your daughter!!!!
Hi Hubert! Congatulations!!!!
You now have one correct prediction, which beats the WBTS's record!
I hope all is well with you and yours. And I hope you still have contact with your daughter!!!!
on this board it is stated matter-of-factly that theodore jaracz is the gb member holding.
the real power over doctrinal direction and such, i was just wondering how we know this.
to be the case.. [inkling].
My bad. You're correct and my memory is not!
I was getting him mixed up with Milton Henschel.
Sorry about about that, all!!!
on this board it is stated matter-of-factly that theodore jaracz is the gb member holding.
the real power over doctrinal direction and such, i was just wondering how we know this.
to be the case.. [inkling].
LOL @ Nathan Natas.
on this board it is stated matter-of-factly that theodore jaracz is the gb member holding.
the real power over doctrinal direction and such, i was just wondering how we know this.
to be the case.. [inkling].
I believe Ted died back in 2003, if memory serves me correct. I know I saw him taking a walk when I went to the Witchtower Babble and Trickery Society for the silentlambs walk to support victims of sexual abuse. He was in rough shape back then and could not walk without someone helping him, by holding onto him.
here it is : feb 15 2008 study edition.
with many thanks again to fokyc for the scans.
Thanks AlphaOmega!!! Will you be doing this to every Watchtower? Please?
........Pretty please with a cherry on top?
my daughter is still not decided on a baby name.
she wants the name to start with a j...... .
do you all have any suggestions, please?
My daughter's name is Joselynn
It means "playful" and there are different ways to spell it. Here is the most common:
Jocelyn | English | Playful | |
Jocelyn | French | Medieval male name adopted as a feminine name. Jaqueline is pretty too. Check this out! |
oliver has skin cancer and he is bleeding all over my mom's house.
oliver is suffering so bad and all we can do is hold him now.
later today he will be put down and i don't want to do it.
Again, my heart goes out to you. But I must say that Oliver was a SMART doggie! And what you shared with us about him will be one of the things you tell to others about him and will bring a smile to your face as you tell it.
Raggie used to sniff one blade of grass FOREVER and circle it FOREVER to go to the bathroom, when I was freezing my but off! I would get so mad at him at those times!!! But because I loved him and he loved me, I would always stay outside with him no matter how picky he was about where he was gonna pee or poop, and no matter how long it took him to choose and be done with his business.
And that's one thing about him that brings a smile to my face as I remember. So keep that looking both ways before you cross habit of Oliver's in your memory forever.
heya all,.
had my ultrasound yesterday everything looks good and is where it should be, we didnt find out this time what we are having, we figured we have one of each it would be nice to have a suprise.. here is one of the pics.
baby is looking straight at you and has one of its little hands near its face!.
Congratulations, Es!!!!
I hate to say this, but I can't see a baby in the Ultrasound! I feel like I'm the only female who can't. When I had both my children (who are now ages 23 and 26, I could not see them in the ultrasound pictures!!! ) and went for ultrasounds the doctor would say " See that? There's the head and there's the feet". and I honeslty could not see anything. It just looked like a picture of outer space that would be shown by NASA to me!!! I felt terrible that I could not see my own babies! "What kind of mother will I be if I can't even see my baby"? is what I asked myself both times. So I would give in just pretend I could see the baby. And looking at your baby and you expalining what is there, I still can't see it.!
Am I the only one who sees what looks to be a picture of outer space? I feel stupid for not seeing anything, but yet I'm admitting to it to see if I'm alone!!!
I could HEAR the baby ( the heartbeat ) but could not SEE. Maybe that's why it's called an UltraSOUND? I dunno.
Either way, congatulations on the latest addition to your family!
oliver has skin cancer and he is bleeding all over my mom's house.
oliver is suffering so bad and all we can do is hold him now.
later today he will be put down and i don't want to do it.
I know what you are going through, (((((((whyamihere)))))))) I've been where you are.
It's very hearbreaking and all you can do is cry until there are no more tears. But Oliver will ALWAYS be in your your heart and in your thoughts. Keeping pictures of Oliver around may help you. I know it helps me still, even after 7 years gone by now.
somebody...who will always miss Raggie, as much as you will miss Oliver.
I love it!