Thank you again shelby!
may you all have peace!.
i received the following via email from a family member just a moment or so ago (bold is mine, fyi).
again, peace to you all!.
Thank you again shelby!
thank you shelby , eric deserves to be remembered properly !
i have posted this on my facebook account too ..
Thank you, Shelby. And thank you,troubled mind, for posting this. Many here may have missed it otherwise!
i didn't know eric particularly well, and i feel terrible that i didn't reach out to him more or try to help him while i still had the opportunity.. i feel extremely helpless, but the least i can do is help others remember him who knew him better.. here is a video i've uploaded to youtube in his honor.... .
i hope it helps us as we mourn a much-loved member of this forum.. .
Thank you, cedars. That is beautiful. ( although I thought I was done shedding tears, but apparently not!)
May we never forget Eric Reeders.
well, the big five o today.. how did that happen?
i can't be half a hundred for fucks sake, i only just got born again (and not in the christian sense)!.
can i get seniors discounts and insurance i wonder?
HAPPY 50th to you Aussie!!!!
One week before I turned 50, I started getting e-mails from "senior" dating services! And I also got papers to fill out, via snail mail, to become a member of AARP. Ouch!!
peace to you,
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
Finkelstein, I thank you for the song too!
***g7/09p.29 is it wrong to change your religion?***.
"no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.".
ironically, the religion and publisher of this statement is one of the biggest offenders with their shunning policy of its members who come to the conclusion that their form of worship is unacceptable.. for some, this severe shunning is too much to bear.. me through this my old friends...i really did not want to be dfd!...i am fourth generation....i had already been shunned by my lifelong friends due to my outspoken words regarding my discovering we had changed the bible to make it say what jw's want it to...but now i have lost my family....oomps.
On top of my tears, I'm speechless, wannabefree.
peace to you,
blame the cult.
blame the cult.
blame the cult.. suicide is a very complicated behavior.. mental health professionals caution against assigning blame when people kill themselves.. being disfellowshipped is a life stress and some people are not equipped mentally to handle it.
((((((((((((Grace)))))))))))) We are SO HAPPY that you are here. And SO HAPPY that you are "mouthy" too! :-) Love you!
blame the cult.
blame the cult.
blame the cult.. suicide is a very complicated behavior.. mental health professionals caution against assigning blame when people kill themselves.. being disfellowshipped is a life stress and some people are not equipped mentally to handle it.
((((blondie)))) Thank you!
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
This has been the saddest news. There are SO many of us crying real tears too !!! As tornapart has said, "All JWs can see are angry negative apostates... these are real people, with real pain, real despair.... some like oompa are just hurting too bad to be able to cope with it." . Those words SCREAM the truth!
My heart goes out to his family, and to all of us here who are feeling the intense pain of Eric's passing.
R I P Eric
i dont remember the date.
or the year or if it was a district or circuit.
what i do remember is that we rode up with a car full of other female witnesses.
1978 at the Natick Assembly Hall in Natick MA.