I sang with a barbershop chorus for 4 years. I sing with my church choir currently. Voice is my instrument. I used to play guitar when I was a kid.
JoinedPosts by songmistress
Do you have any musical talent?
by sandy in.
do you play an instrument; do you sing or write music?.
just wondering.
Elder came...grasped at straws...and left. UPDATE!
by searchfothetruth inwell i had a very interesting conversation on friday night.
sorry to be so long letting you know what happened.. only one elder turned up and i was wrong in my original thought that my mum had given him my report, it seems he was coming to ask me to study, therefore he was totally unprepared for what was about to happen to him.
but, i have to say, that he was the most honest elder i have spoke to and i'm sure you will be surprised by some of the things he said.. he started off wanting to know what made me stop going to the meetings and i related to him my experiences of a certain body of elders that had, to say the least, made me realise that they thought that they were a law unto themselves (including stealing, lying and generally being un-christian).
Good job Search. I am impressed.
Tis The Season...For Elder Visits.
by joannadandy inyesterday dear sister eyegirl (of the international sisterhood of apostate albino's, northern branch) was visiting me.
we just finished lunch and were about to rush out and see some r rated movies when the doorbell rang.
Joanna sweetie,
You are under no obligations. When I left the JW, I made a call and asked the elders to come over because I had some questions for them to answer. They kept trying to redirect the conversation, and I just kept directing it back to what I wanted to talk about. They tried to ask me about my current beliefs and I think they may have been trying to discover if I had become apostate. I did not tell them I was practicing Wicca at the time. My experience I know is different from many I see on this board, because I told them I no longer held the same belief system, and was not disfellowshipped. I did end up DA'ing later in the year.
I too just wanted to be left alone. Our meeting was left at that agreement. They were willing to just have me be inactive. They asked me if the sisters could visit me, I told them yes they could, but I'm not sure it would be a good thing since we would not have much to talk about since I didn't view the JW's as the "truth" any longer.
The thing to remember Jo, is that you are an adult, even living in your parents house. I am in my mid-forties and still manage to feel like a naughty child who got caught, so you aren't alone there. If you choose to meet with them, you can take control of the conversation and keep directing it back to what you are comfortable with. They do not own you and you do not owe them anything. Wasn't it Shakespere who said "To thine own self be true".
It is possible that no matter what you choose to do, you may end up being shunned. I know this would be hard considering you are in your parents home, so hang in there.
Peace vs War
by songmistress infor anyone who is interested, there are candlelight peace vigils being held sunday night 3/16/03 around the world starting at 7:00 in all locations.
information can be found at www.moveon.org.
these are intended to be peaceful, silent vigils.. we live in a country that values freedom, and this freedom, has to extend to both sides of the war issue.
Again, what did Iraq have to do with 9/11? It's amazing how thoroughly the administration and the media have conflated these two unrelated issues. Dedalus
Dedalus, that is something I have been wondering too. I have been asking the question "How did we get from Osama binLaden to Saddaam Hussein?". I have no idea how that happened.
>That is the beauty of living in the US, we have the right to choose and the right to hold our own beliefs...
Correction : It *was* , now the US is slowly turning into a police state , where even wearing a T-shirt with a protest against the war is forbidden...
I did say that didn't I. Point well taken Berten. I think I am trying to hold on the original ideals of those who founded this country. "Big Brother" has been slowly taking over. It's a bit like trying to boil a frog alive. If you dump it in a pot of hot water, it will leap out. If you put it in a pot of cold water and slowly raise the heat, it will not notice til it is too late.
Peace vs War
by songmistress infor anyone who is interested, there are candlelight peace vigils being held sunday night 3/16/03 around the world starting at 7:00 in all locations.
information can be found at www.moveon.org.
these are intended to be peaceful, silent vigils.. we live in a country that values freedom, and this freedom, has to extend to both sides of the war issue.
"Sigh", Trauma and Dakota, could you boys take your argument elsewhere. Have your opinions and respect others enough to allow them theirs. Getting defensive is not going to help anything.
Ok, I'm tired and it's been a long nite. I'm going to bed now.
DakotaRed Has Been Spoiled
by DakotaRed inas many know, witchywoman came to visit me this past week and returned home today.
all in all, it was the most wonderful 4 days we have both spent in a very long time.
having her with me was very comfortable and felt so natural.. i cooked meals everyday, to impress her of some of my other talents, of course .
He truly is a gentleman and a fine man. He is better so much better looking in person
I agree with this wholeheartedly after having had the chance to meet and talk with Lew in February.
Glad the visit worked out well for you two. I was following your exploits, but had some things going on here that made me shy away from getting too involved with thinking about other people's happiness. But things are better now, and I am done for the time being with feeling depressed and sorry for myself.
Peace vs War
by songmistress infor anyone who is interested, there are candlelight peace vigils being held sunday night 3/16/03 around the world starting at 7:00 in all locations.
information can be found at www.moveon.org.
these are intended to be peaceful, silent vigils.. we live in a country that values freedom, and this freedom, has to extend to both sides of the war issue.
Lew, thanks for your comments. I know you feel very strongly about the whole thing.
As you light your candles, also say a prayer that something encourages Saddam to comply with the 17 UN resolutions he refuses to comply with. Ask that he stop raping and slaughtering his own people and that he sees that his quest for power is more to blame than the hate felt towards our current president.
This is a very good idea. I actually find myself feeling sad that there are people in this world who are so warped in their thinking, that they feel that victimizing those weaker than themselves is an OK thing to do. We are all members of the human race and the differences in reality are only superficial. Live and let live may not be real practical at this time, but I can hope and pray that sanity will one day prevail and human beings will find a way to bridge the gaps we have created between ourselves. Namaste Cheryl -
Peace vs War
by songmistress infor anyone who is interested, there are candlelight peace vigils being held sunday night 3/16/03 around the world starting at 7:00 in all locations.
information can be found at www.moveon.org.
these are intended to be peaceful, silent vigils.. we live in a country that values freedom, and this freedom, has to extend to both sides of the war issue.
You are welcome Trauma. I had a feeling this is what you were trying to say, but things were getting a little heated in the other thread. Now take a deep breath and let it go.
Heathen, I haven't actually decided if I am going to participate in the vigil. I will see what tommorrow brings. I am just getting really tired of all the accusations and innuendos flying back and forth by one side or the other.
I will however concede that sometimes cancers (saddam??) may need to be surgically removed and if that is what ends up happening, I hope it can be done quickly as it probably should have been done during desert storm.
Just my two cents
Peace vs War
by songmistress infor anyone who is interested, there are candlelight peace vigils being held sunday night 3/16/03 around the world starting at 7:00 in all locations.
information can be found at www.moveon.org.
these are intended to be peaceful, silent vigils.. we live in a country that values freedom, and this freedom, has to extend to both sides of the war issue.
For anyone who is interested, there are candlelight peace vigils being held Sunday night 3/16/03 around the world starting at 7:00 in all locations. Information can be found at www.moveon.org. These are intended to be peaceful, silent vigils.
We live in a country that values freedom, and this freedom, has to extend to both sides of the war issue. For myself, I would like there to be a peaceful solution, I am focused on and believe the world and this nation has divided itself enough. It is time to stop before we destroy ourselves. We are members of the human race first and formost. Violence only begets more violence. If you hit me, I will hit you. And then my people will come and get you, and your people will come and get us. On and on it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows.
What concerns me is that in the midst of war fever and possible blood lust, we have an either or/us against them/either you are for us or you are against us mentality when it comes to war vs peace. I see in the news, hear on talk shows, etc reports that have more to do with extremists. I find this very curious. I hear reports of teachers being disciplined for wearing buttons showing them to be on the peace side of things, but have not heard of anyone being reprimanded for coming out for the war. I cannot believe there are no extremists on that side of things. I fear it may be because war is the accepted thing right now and dissent on the side of peace makes one the enemy.
If your home is in a mess, where would your energy be best spent? I would think you would want to get things together at home before you start running off to help your neighbor. A husband or wife who neglects things at home could be considered guilty of abandonment. Is it different just because we are talking about President Bush. I read in our newpaper the Oregonian yesterday a quote from George Carlin. I don't have the paper here so I will try to paraphrase. He said in effect that war is something this country does well. Which is a good thing,because we cannot educate our children, feed our hungry or care for our sick and elderly. But we CAN bomb the S@#% out of Iraq. Is this something to be proud of?
This is only a small sample of what goes on in my busy little head. There is much more here. I am not in any way trying to be UnAmerican, nor am I against the troops or any other idea or attitude that is commonly held about those who desire there to be no war. That is the beauty of living in the US, we have the right to choose and the right to hold our own beliefs.
Blessings to all
Do You Have Any Elder Fantasies???
by minimus insphere gave a comment on my thread about wanting to beat someone up and he/she said that they had elder fantasies.
do you have any elder fantasies that you would like to share?
Well, there was this really hot looking elder once that just made my toes curl and my heart pound... Oops probably is not the kind of fantasies you were asking for Min was it