Topics Started by space
Ani Difranco
by space indoes anyone like ani difranco?
i think she is absolutely beautiful as far as writing, music and thought.
does anyone agree?.
Chilhood Memories
by space ini was sitting here thinking about my childhood for a while.
i was just thinking about how angry and disturbed i was at a very young age.
i was raised from the womb to be a jws,my dad was a elder and all that.
LSD saved me from the JWS
by space ini would like to know some personal experiences with dabbling with hallucigenic drugs as far as seeing a deeper level of conciosness than the one given to you by the jws.
when i left the jws i was about 17 and my father was one of the main elders.
so i had to watch my p's and q's so i wouldnt make my father look bad.
Voice your opinion- Organised religion.
by jerome inmy main problem with organised religion is when totalitarianism comes into play.
thats when you get institutions like the catholic church in its earlier years.
that should never be allowed.. jerome
JW lives mirrored in music, albums, movies, etc
by Preston ini'd love to help you but everybody's telling me you look like me .
yeah come on, try me tonight.
now i only wish that i could show you - wish i could show a little soul.
the doors
by jolly_green_giant injust wondering how many doors fans are out here?
personally, i believe they are one of the best bands ever to come into the music scene.
imho morrison was one of the greatest poets/musicians ever.
Celestine Prophecy
by Kristen injust wondering if anyone else has read this book by james redfield and what your thoughts on it are.
i found the insights interesting.. kristen
The art of Alex Grey
by Introspection inthought a few of you might be interested in this, check out the gallery:.
Who's seen their favorite bands in concert?
by TearzaJoy income on i know noone can resist seeing their favorite bands in concert.
don't hold against me but i plan on seeing the bsb boys in march...can't help it i go for those love songs :) so come on tell me which concerts you've been to.
Fake Plastic Trees
by Pathofthorns inthis song and band are a favourite .
fake plastic trees.
her green plastic watering can.