Animal - kewl! bikers rule!
in yahoo chat?
icq or msn?.
while shopping?
Animal - kewl! bikers rule!
the stars are in alignment.. the time is right.. this weekend will change the world.. i just love to make prophecys, it reminds me of someone i know!.
"failure to respond to the direction of the organization indicates a rejection of divine rulership"---[2/15/1976,p.124].
"jehovah's witness are not infallible or inspired prophets."[5/15/1976,p.297].
*bated breathe
yeah. Right!
in yahoo chat?
icq or msn?.
while shopping?
The short answer:
At work.
The long answer:
The man i would consider the greatest love of my life (thus far)....
i met at work.
I remember distinctly the first day i laid eyes on him.
I think the thing that attracted me to him the most...
was the fact that he was totally driven/focused on tasks at hand
...and completely oblivious to my existence...
at first.
We were both otherwise 'committed' for about 4 or 5 years...nothing happened. Not even flirting.
He was extraordinarily honest, respect-ful and respect-able.
He really 'stood out' because of this.
The thing that held/piqued my interest in him
over the next 4 years though was this look
developing in his eyes anytime he walked past me.
It was a raw hunger sort of look. I loved that look.
There's no faking a look like that, no hiding it either.
It's a look that says more than words could begin to express.
Because we didn't work "together", just for the same company...
It was fairly ez for me to ignore that look...
...even doubt it as a figment of my overactive imagination.
Til it appeared again and more frequently and undeniably pure/raw.
We did nothing whatsoever about it.
We hardly even spoke.
Til the day he found out my marriage of 5 years was over.
Then the love affair really began.
He made love to my heart, soul & mind each and every day.
Physically, we only spent one (incredible) night together.
He decided to cancel his wedding plans with someone else,
moved out and asked me to come live with him.
But alas, it was all too much for me all at once.
Mainly due to many many years of jdub conditioning
and the "trauma" associated with detaching from the borg.
I sabotaged it all...
out of fear and doubt
and an inability to openly articulate my feelings to him.
We never said "goodbye" but we went our separate ways.
Later on i finally reestabilished contact and
managed to tell him how i felt.
It was necessary for "closure".
i learned so much from him...about myself, about love...
and don't regret him.
He was an amazing experience in more ways than one.
I will always remember the intensity of that love
and the amazing way he treated me.
He really 'raised the bar'.
Few compare.
We remain friends.
I will seek to continually apply & expand upon
everything i learned from the experience of him.
i cannot tell a lie with a straight face.
women seem to be able to lie and you cannot even have a clue they are not telling the truth.. why is that?.
are women better liars?
lol@ballistic's sentence
the other day i sent my family a framed studio photograph that i had made for them.. i called to make sure they got it and my mom said that she did and that it was placed with the other family photos in the living room.. a few days later my dad called to thank me.
he then went off into a tangent about how he wants me to come back to the "truth".
i told him that i respect his right to believe as he will, but i expect the same in return.
LMAO @ Hygh
the following one is from h2o, written by mackoz:.
new procedure for d-f'd at the memorial?
i've gone from being an elder to being a man who can hardly bring himself to open his well-thumbed bible.
*fuming* GRRRRRRR.
my last memorial experience was a doozy too....but i was still "in" at the time...technically that father gave the memorial talk...all full of himself up there in front of everyone like his patriarchal sh*t don't stink...
i didn't hear a word of the talk...the words that kept ringing thru my ears the entire time...were the totally preposterous words he had cruelly said to his wife (my step-mother) that very morning over some non-issue that pissed his "holiness" off...this is how he spoke to his own wife that morning, he said in a venomous tone: "well CHuck you Farley, what makes you think you're so Muckin' Fuch you Bun-of-a-Sitch!?" sadly he wasn't joking. what a christ-like personality. good thing they picked someone like him to give the memorial talk.
LOL @ Elsewhere - wouldn't it be nice!
Hyghlandyr - amen to making up yer own rules!
*still fuming* Liquidizer/MackOz- that really BITES.
the other day i sent my family a framed studio photograph that i had made for them.. i called to make sure they got it and my mom said that she did and that it was placed with the other family photos in the living room.. a few days later my dad called to thank me.
he then went off into a tangent about how he wants me to come back to the "truth".
i told him that i respect his right to believe as he will, but i expect the same in return.
oh man! my stomach instantly knotted up reading your post here.
i feel for you on this situation, it is very tuff. thank you for reminding me how lucky i am that my father completely ignores me now that i'm 'out'. phew! i keep dreading that he will call...but he doesn't. what a relief, i am soooo lucky (so far).
i know it's tuff on your emotions, but i'm so glad 2 c that you 'vent' here on the board with 'peoples' that can relate to your pain. i really feel for your situation and my thoughts are with you. hang in there, otay!? :)
ps - lol @ Farkel - Great Idea!
i'm just curious...if you had the opportunity, who on this board would you like to meet if given the chance (or could without getting "in trouble"!)?
(could be serious, could be fun...) i for one, am just sooo curious to meet the cat himself... just to find out if he's much different in person than in his online persona!
...and maybe pet him a few times in the process...
Yeru...don't feel bad...noone picks me either...but then i'm new around here. and my spazzy disguise is a little too effective in this regard. hehe
i guess we fit in the ones that say "i'd like to meet everyone".
i think its cuz u speak about your "lovely wife" that u don't get picked. teehee.
i would have picked u cuz u really remind me of this neat guy i once dated. *wink* but alas u r taken.....tee-hee
i'm just curious...if you had the opportunity, who on this board would you like to meet if given the chance (or could without getting "in trouble"!)?
(could be serious, could be fun...) i for one, am just sooo curious to meet the cat himself... just to find out if he's much different in person than in his online persona!
...and maybe pet him a few times in the process...
Hmmm...kinda tuff to narrow it down:
the WIZ - intelligent...intriguing
SYN - intelligent...witty
Gopher - balanced...respectable
puffsrule - logical, clear and concise communicator
There are many more people i thoroughly enjoy on this board...
Some for their humour & wit...some real entertainers here.
Some for their sweetness and caring and playfulness.
The above 4 just intrigue me enuf that i'd wanna meet them,
partly cuz they don't bore me, partly cuz i'm just curious as to whether or not there are who/what they appear to be to me.
i explored a few options as i was coming out of the organization.
nominal christianity had no appeal except that it was without the policing and punishment of the jw's.
there was no open discussion still and i didn't agree with most of it.
She was from Regina, i think.
I find your comment...
I feel you should marry someone who is approximately close to your own religious beliefs and level of enthusiam. Not because "that's how it should be" but because it will cause fewer problems down the road....interesting cuz it seems to me that many people think "approximately close" to that way and they try to sort of control or limit future problems in this fashion. In my usually doesn't work without hurting or at least stifling one or both parties in the long-run.
People and their beliefs do change, perpetually! weeee!
Now,,,'i' like change...& would be bored to death if
life always stayed the same or my 'mate' was entirely too that's kewl...
but what happens if i m..m...marry (gulp*shudder)
someone with "similar religious beliefs and enthusiasm"
and then one or both of us change??
well, unless both change and grow together...accept & celebrate each others differences...well...yikes...too sad...end of luv story.
I guess what i'm trying to say is that i kinda think
a relationship with close religious beliefs and enthusiasm levels
is highly susceptible to problems!!!! Equally if not more so than one wherein these "conditions" don't exist and differences are celebrated, appreciated and welcomed.
So that's part of the reason i can't buy into the
philosophy that religious beliefs should dictate the
person i should m...m... u know, be with.
I have had much healthier relationships
(psychologically, emotionally and spiritually)
with people that i am very different from
than with people that i was too similar too.
There was more respect, more genuine/unconditional love there,
than existed with other relationships wherein the love
was based upon, or felt 'conditional' to shared beliefs
and enthusiasm levels....
It's scary to me cuz it sounds like such a relationship would be just that...too conditional...
Maybe i'm off on a tangent...i'm not attacking u,,,just venting on this topic...pls understand...u r talking to someone that just left a place that gave "love" proportionate to enthusiam levels and now "withholds" their "love"...based on conditions of belief.
I think religion as a whole does that.
I don't know...just how broad did you mean for the word "approximate" to be anyway? ie. christian & atheist? or Jdub & Baptist?
That's the part i really find interesting...and i'm still learnin'!