The following one is from H2O, written by MackOz:
New Procedure for D-F'd at the Memorial?
I've gone from being an elder to being a man who can hardly bring himself to open his well-thumbed Bible. Almost every page jogs a memory of my children or a Watchtower experience that I'd rather forget. Nevertheless, this year was a milestone. After three years of family nothingness, I knuckled down and read all four Gospel accounts right through in the week before the Memorial. I was looking forward to it, to the feeling of being close to my parents and children even though they are far away.
I really felt fortified and even 'qualified' to be there at the Memorial, having done my Bible reading and wearing my one and only suit. I looked like a visiting 'brother' I guess. Anyway, as a disfellow-shipped person (or as my father used to quip in elders meetings, 'a non-person'), I followed Watchtower protocol and didn't greet the attendant at the door. I kept my head respectfully bowed and made a beeline for the back row. The attandant stopped me and said, "This row is for disfellowshipped people" and I said "I am one of those" and he let me sit down next to a timid young woman.
The memorial got underway and it came time for the emblems to be passed around the congregation. Every person used to share in passing the plate ... except this time. When the plate arrived at the row in front of me, the attendant took the plate around behind me and the young woman near me and took it to another section of seating. The young girl flushed and looked at me with a kind of fright and amazement and she left the Kingdom Hall humiliated and sobbing. I thought, 'That's a bit strange. The attendant was proabably new and got his wires crossed.' So I waited for the wine. I was the only person sitting in the back row now, and sure enough, the attendant eleborately bypassed me.
Only minutes before the passing of the emblems, the speaker eloquently read John 3:16, citing it as the most well-known, meaningful and comforting scripture in the Bible. He kept repeating 'EVERYONE exercising faith, EVERYONE exercising faith. EVERYONE. EVERYONE. EVERYONE.'
Everyone, except disfellowshipped ones apparently.
I stayed for the final song and prayer, but I was shaking with anger. The arrogance and the self-righteousness of the Watchtower Society and its decrees and 'new truths and procedures' ... They've now decreed that d-f'd ones are not part of the EVERYONE in John 3:16 and they are not worthy to handle the plate.
I have a lot of respect for my parents and for the people I left behind but that is the last time I will ever enter a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses and submit to Watchtower Society emotional thuggery.
It was good for me. It purged the last of the Witness sentiment from me. I know I have a purpose on this earth and there is a God and maybe I will find a meaningful link with him one day.
All the best to you who are so near but so far from your loved ones.
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes
And my body aches