I always waited until everyone had their eyes closed and would snatch a quick bite..... lol
when i was in dub-dom....i used to hate eating out....my ex always made us bow our heads and close our eyes tight shut while he gave thanks out loud.
did you do that in public??
or did you do it discreetly with your head bowed but eyes not shut....or.....head in hand...hoping people would think u were in deep thought?
I always waited until everyone had their eyes closed and would snatch a quick bite..... lol
i've spent a lot of time on allmusic.com and it amazes me how much nirvana is mentioned when the reviewers rate other albums.
so its a no brainer that nirvana's work should probably have a place in every rock collection, but what are some other albums every rock fan should listen to if not own.
helloooo..... Pink Floyd
(BTW..if you hadn't said Nirvana..I would have..my all time fave)
Edited for spelling!
Edited by - SpiceItUp on 14 June 2002 11:28:53
congradulations on making emperor.
i knew you could do it.
A BIG Congrats to you!
because any crisis (such as this anti-crisis) is always accompanied by you know and the watchtower claiming it is unique.. .
what crisis?.
Isn't it funnie how the word "governing" as used in Governing body is very similar to the word "government".
Gee......and since the "government" is "Evil" what does that say about the "governing" body
"When I stop learning I stop living...What have you learned today?"
how do you feel?do you like to be called apostate ?.
apostate just means: someone who renounces a former belief or principle.. to people who have never been witnesses it may not symbolise much.but to witnesses the word means a lot.in many of their minds it is synonymous with evil and perverted.. since it jw's who will likely call us apostate not others the term almost always has a bad or negative useage.. but it does identify us as people who have completely rejected the religion.. so is it good for us to use it or not?
The word doesn't bother me...however I'd rather be called GODDESS of the pagans!
But I'd settle for just being callled Carol.
my main problem with organised religion is when totalitarianism comes into play.
thats when you get institutions like the catholic church in its earlier years.
that should never be allowed.. jerome
Lets go straight to the dictionary for my answer--------
Religion is
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
- religionless adjective
Organize means
1 : to cause to develop an organic structure
2 : to form into a coherent unity or functioning whole : INTEGRATE <trying to organize her thoughts>
3 a : to set up an administrative structure for b : to persuade to associate in an organization; especially : UNIONIZE
4 : to arrange by systematic planning and united effort
intransitive senses
1 : to undergo physical or organic organization
2 : to arrange elements into a whole of interdependent parts
3 : to form an organization; specifically : to form or persuade workers to join a union
synonym see ORDER
- organizable / "or-g&-'nI-z&-b&l / adjective
Basically IMHO if you look closely at both deifnitions....religion is a set of PERSONAL beliefs, whereas to organise you take away from the Person and look toward the ADMINISTRATION. It takes away from each person having their own spiritual identity. Therefore I don't believe in organized religion. You lose the person itself and their ability to think for themselves.
okay, this is my cat, she is an african serval, and a lot of cat to handle.. fred: eat your heart out!
This is my baby Onyx.....he may look sweet but....
He knows he's been caught doing something
He was fighting this picture the whole time......gotta love em with all that energy..
i wonder how many jws r aware that candles have pagan origins as admitted by bishop newman(sp?
) in the 19th century?
should a faithfull jw have anything to do with candles therefore?
*slaps as many deluded JW's she can find*
I feel much better now!
i've updated my site which has a collection of poetry written by many of you here.
there's now 35 poems, more or less.
I have a few poems......would you like them emailed to you (or how are you doing it)
good post!
but there are those who stay for other reasons.
even though they know the beliefs and practices are wrong, they cannot bring themselves to pay the price for leaving.
<Is the governing body a group of evil geniuses, or are they just stupid?>
I think I would equate the governing body with Dr. Evil. You know he thinks he's all that but all it takes is one good shag baby and its all over...
Not to put too much of a light spin on a serious subject.
Joanna - My parents were a little more liberal as well....I was in theatre tooo....however they are probably kicking themselves now (Of coarse I think I would have left no matter what)