ok I have a scenario that just seems wrong to me. I would like any advice or opinoins you have.
Here are the facts.....
----My sister was sexually abused as a child ( I dont know by whom and she is not talking..still a dub)
---I was sexually abused as a child (The memories have just started surfacing and I dont know by whom yet)
OK...my dad watches a 13 yr old girl that has Down Syndrome from time to time to help out her family. In the times that he watches her..he helps her change clothes..and takes her in his hot tub with him. Maybe I am blowing this way out of proportion but this does not set right with me. I mean if a woman (single or married) is not allowed to ride in a car alone with a brother (single or married) then why is my father allowed to help a challenged teenage girl change into a bathingsuit. Plus my mother knows all about it. That I don't get.
If those facts alone aren't bad enough (in my opinion), here are some more. About a year ago...I dyed my hair a red color. As soon as my father saw it he asked if I thought my mother would do the same and he asked in the manner that the color turned him on. I'm sorry but me dying my hair shouldn't have my father thinking in a sexual manner. That is more of a question a best friend might say to another. One more thing...a while back my father was showing something to me on his computer when I saw a glimpse of a porn icon. Mind you ...I have no problems with porn..but we are talking about a JW here.
To ask my question...I know I was abused but I have no idea if it was indeed my father. And even if it wasnt my father, isnt his behavior a little bit inappropriate with the DS girl. And what should I do about it if anything.
Please I need some help on this....this just isnt right!!!