Well I tried
It can't be that frikkin difficult to imbed a frikkin web link to a frikkin jpg... Throw me a bone here
I'm pretty sure that if I'm seeing a red x everyone else is...
Edited by - spidermonkey on 3 August 2002 3:36:51
we had a thread started way back that has gone on for 11 or more pages, so i thought i'd start up a new one.
who's your jw.com crush?
are you game to tell us?.
Well I tried
It can't be that frikkin difficult to imbed a frikkin web link to a frikkin jpg... Throw me a bone here
I'm pretty sure that if I'm seeing a red x everyone else is...
Edited by - spidermonkey on 3 August 2002 3:36:51
i was wondering what it is like to experience childhood in the org.
i am an aspiring writer ad the org has always interested me...not in the sense that i'd like to join.
please send me some replies.
School was the worst thing about it. When you're a kid you just want to fit it; if the only life you had was at the KH then maybe it would be better... not much, but better. Constantly explaining to teachers & classmates why you weren't celebrating a holiday... "No I didn't bring any cans for the Thanksgiving homeless drive because it's a nationalistic holiday that detracts from God." And other such crap! When my parents became really involved in dubdom, we were going to an Episcopal school, just because it was a good school. They had chapel services every morning, and all of a sudden my bro, sis, & I were expected to just sit there, rather than kneel, stand, sing, or whatever everyone else was doing. I felt like a retard; everyone was looking at me. And when my parents talked to the teachers & priests about "our" beliefs, they started doing wierd things, like: The priest conducting the chapel service decided that the boys would all stand & sing a certain part of the song, and then sit down while the girls stood & sang another part. (To make it "more fun"). So the boys stood, I stayed seated, and everyone on either side of me was looking at me like I was crazy, and my friends said, "Stand UP!!! What, are you a GIRL?" My mom seemed thrilled that we were "taking a stand for Jehovah against persecution" but I just wanted it all to go away. Then we went to non-denominational schools. The religious pressures were gone, but I still felt like a freak. School is no joy for a JW child.
trying to make sense of it all?-----------------try this.. that we all been here many times to experenice all aspects of life.. we have been male an female.. we have been or will be most races on the planet.. we have been or will be a members of most religions on this planet!.
we have been judges, soldiers, harlots, pleasants and some have been kings.we have been the prisoners and we have been the guards, we have killed, we have been killed.. oh yes!
we have been zealots too.. there is no!!!
Reincarnation makes perfect sense... but karma doesn't. At least, not "life to life" karma. What would be the point of being born into a miserable situation if you didn't even know what evil you'd done to earn it? What would be the point of being born into a wonderful situation if you didn't know what good you'd done to earn it? I would think that between lives, we ourselves choose the general scope of our next experience, from a near-omniscient perspective... And if we were Hitler or Manson last time, what would we gain next time by being the elephant man or a crack baby or a persecuted member of a minority, or whatever? How many people born into miserable situations are likely to do a past-life regression to find out the "cause of their suffering?" I do think that reincarnation makes sense, but more in the sense of continuous growth, rather than a balancing-the-scales karma thing.
just thought i'd wish all of those wiccans out there and in here a cool, happy, and safe lammas.
don't get naked with your friends without the spf 3000 today -- you'll likely end up a bunch of fried love poppets.
to all the rest of you, myself included, happy august 1st.. today is hotter than a mexicans lunch, again, here in fetid and festering southwestern ontario, mercury having risen to 39 degrees celcius with the humidex at 48 in this part of the province.
Love is the greatest thing in the world... except maybe a nice LL LT, llama, lettuce & tomato... OK, never mind. I don't remember the words.
gonna go see episode ii today!
...i know i know..it's been such a long time since it came out but i havn't gotten the time to do that stuff especially 2 hours out of a day on a busy work schedule.
but i wanted to get people's opinion...what did people think of the star wars episode ii compared to the other 4 that have come out already.
I think Anakin is gonna SCORE in Episode III
Well, as he just got married, he'd be a bit of a loser if he didn't
I, too, had the Yoda fight scene "spoiled" for me in that people told me Yoda kicked ass in the movie. LOL, it wasn't spoiled one bit. It's one thing to hear it, quite a different thing to see it.
as the general rule i don't scare easily and i am always looking into the unknown corners.
i like the creepy and spooky.
spiders and snakes dont freak me out either.
I definitely suffer from apiphobia or melissophobia, the fear of BEES ...If you want to see me flail my arms like a little girl, you have only to release a stinging insect in my presence...
I didn't see this other one on the list... I'm not afraid of fire itself (actually I find it to be groovy in a far out way), but I am terrified of burning alive!!! There's a reason why all burn victims are found in the fetal position.........
does god exist?
god is evidenced by his creation, his word, and the relationship that believers have with him.
sadly, i notice that a lot of former jws either do not believe in god or believe in some false god of the nations.
sophisticated reasonings of men cannot render Jehovah God's existence invalid.
Ah, yes, "the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God." Ever wondered if the author of this verse said so because he couldn't come up with a better reasoning than the world did? It's called "dogma." See also "circular reasoning."
"It's true because it's true." Yeah, I'll bet.
have any of you here, either by word of mouth or personal experience, heard of entire congregations being disfellowshipped, or nearly entire congregations, like say 50% or more?
thank you for your support in this all important survey .
from apostate central, ri .
By word of mouth, I've heard of congregations being "disbanded," or dissolved w/ the publishers being assigned to other congs in the area... Not whole congs being df'd though...
this is the big 1000 for me..... its funnie cause i know that you need 1001 to become a jedi but alas i will have to wait another hour (i couldnt wait to start the festivities though .
oh well...the question remains..... will the force be with me?.
and will i get a cool sword to go with it?
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY, ((((((((Carol Wan Kenobi))))))))
Slice down a few stormtroopers for me, please, as I am laggin' bigtime. (StinkyPantz, I feel your pain; I started around the same time & am around the 240 mark myself)...
Good going, Carol
just thought i'd wish all of those wiccans out there and in here a cool, happy, and safe lammas.
don't get naked with your friends without the spf 3000 today -- you'll likely end up a bunch of fried love poppets.
to all the rest of you, myself included, happy august 1st.. today is hotter than a mexicans lunch, again, here in fetid and festering southwestern ontario, mercury having risen to 39 degrees celcius with the humidex at 48 in this part of the province.
My llamas are always happy!
Seriously though, Happy Lammas... The wheel turns on...