JoinedTopics Started by SpiderMonkey
Bethel waiter crew 1990-1993?
by SpiderMonkey inlooking for my old pals who may have left the borg... love, mike "flash" casey
you know
by SpiderMonkey inhello... i've been away from here for awhile, and probably will not be getting very involved here again, but some things have got me wondering lately.
i don't know if you know's still around, but, if so, i have a couple of questions.. you know: correct me if i'm wrong, but i seem to remember your saying that you'd read ray franz' book "crisis of conscience.
" i'm not going to debate the propriety of your doing so, as one of jehovah's witnesses, but i'm very interested in what you think of his reasoning on various points.
by SpiderMonkey ini am becoming a lot less active here these days, not that i was ever extremely active
astrology... observations?
by SpiderMonkey inrecent events have got me wondering... after my last big relationship, i "swore off" a certain catagory of astrological signs (signs are divided into earth, air, fire and water... i realized that all of my major relationships have been with a certain sign catagory, and thought that that was a problem)... lately, though, i have had cause to reconsider.. i'm just curious; have y'all had any observations about specific signs, or catagories - in other words, what they're like?
if they're good, bad, or ugly?
i'm a gemini w/ scorpio rising (wouldn't mind hearing what folks think about that; i know the standard profile well enough, but personal experiences and insights would be fun).
why dogma?
by SpiderMonkey ini think the title is self-explanatory for the most part, but to clarify: i'm not talking about jw dogma.
i mean, why do so many, even ex-jw, settle on dogma?
why use one "holy book" to define your spirituality?
XJW Pagans
by SpiderMonkey into spice, moe, gsx, & many others i've met here, i have a question: whether xjw or just associated w/ jw's at some point in time, those who now consider themselves pagan: do you have a link to a pagan site that offers good chat & board services like this one does?
i'm getting to a point where i frequently find myself reading some very valid ideas against jw's and basically posting "yeah.
" i'm not interested in leaving this board entirely, but i am interested in finding a board that suits my current beliefs & interests more fully... i want to accentuate the positives more so than the negatives in other words.... this is in no way meant as a slam against this board; this board has helped me as nothing else ever has.
RIP Tequila :(
by SpiderMonkey in.
i don't why i'm making a post of this, just because i guess... my dog died this morning, run over by a car... she saw a bunch of kids on the other side of a busy street, slipped out of the collar and ran for it... she didn't listen to me & she was dead before i even got to her :(.
in loving memory of tequila "mockingbird" casey, c. 1994-2002, the most beautiful, loving dog ever...
N'AWLINS! Bigboi please respond
by SpiderMonkey inok i just got through some problems that my computer had with its human & i'm back .
i sure do wish i'd been on this site around january!!!
this board :)
by SpiderMonkey inalong the lines of joy's post on friends, i wanted to add my own 2 cents in praise of this board!
to put it all in a nutshell, i learned how to *drink* when i was at bethel, around late 89 to early 93. was disfellowshipped sometime just before thanksgiving 94, and have continued to be a heavy drinker ever since.
about a month & a half ago i discovered this board, and last sunday i quit drinking .
Yo-a, Mr. Moe-a.... Goa?
by SpiderMonkey inmr. moe, a little bird told me you know something about goa trance... what gives?!?
(this is a fairly obscure musical genre imo... i dj goa, or at least i have in the past)... i'd love to hear from you about this .
simon posford rules .