I had a black chevy malibu with sun roof and leather seats, you know the works. After my accident I drive a 1994 dodge Dakota truck. I have a back injury and need to sit up high. 4wd truck is so practical in snow country.
Posts by spike
What do you drive and why?
by Escargot inwell, a post on the good ol days got me thinking about the vehicles people drive and why.
in the jws, a vehicle had to be appropriate for service, four doors, holding at least five.
i remember back in 1978 i bought an mgb and the brothers had a fit (hehe), i was selfish, etc.,.
What should the WTBS do?!?!
by LDH inwell guys sorry i haven't participated much lately, i've been really busy.
but, i do have a question that i would really appreciate all of your input on.. it is no secret that young people are leaving jws faster and faster.
it is no secret that most jws are disappointed, and hurt by lack of prophecy fulfillment.. so here's what i was thinking: i'm going to post some very personal thoughts on what *i* think they need to do in order to stop the loss of almost 50,000 disfellowshipped and probably 4x that to inactivity.
Yeah, let the women have the say in running the WTBS and the men should wear the short skirts and be in subjection to their wives for a change.
Favorite Dead Performer
by Yerusalyim inequal time, and given the spirit of the season, who is your favorite dead performer?.
mine, buddy holly, though he just kinda laid there and oozed all over the stage.. yerusalyim.
Chris Farley
John Cannon
GOD played by George Burns -
Stupid things that happened as a Witness...
by ballistic inanyone got any stupid questions they were asked or things that happened as a witness?.
when i was at school, a kid asked me "if you don't celebrate birthdays, how do you know how old you are?".
We were helping special pioneers work territory down South. The area was very poor and of black ethnic. I went on a bible study with my pioneer partner. We didn't see an outside toilet. I had to use the restroom and asked to use hers. The study left and came back with a dusty toilet or bedpan and set it in the middle of the room for me. I was very modest in those days. We didn't want to stumble her, so my partner said it was against our religion to use bedpans. so I excused myself and went outside.
Years in v. Years Out
by Billygoat ini'd like to find out how many years collectively we have acquired in the wts.
please list how many years you were/have been a jw.
please also list how many years you have been out.
In:30 years
Inactive:10 months and fading -
Final Straw???
by Tina inpeople leave the wts,willingly or unwillingly(df).. what was that 'final straw' that told you "that's it...enough is enough..'.
thanks in advance.luv,tina.
'boycott shampoo!
I realized the WTBS would get me killed if I stayed and obeyed their rules. They know nothing about domestic abuse.
POLL: Occupations
by Angst inas a witness what occupation did/do you hold?.
i was speaking with a friend of mine that is a former witness and we remarked about how many of us have worked in some sort of janitorial work.
I was a stay at home mom who did seasonal work at factories and some work at Wal-mart. The last job was janitor work for state university. But after a severe car accident, I now can't work. So l surf the net and plan my escape from the WTS. Life sucks if an occupation defines you.
Does anyone here believe the Bible?
by sawthelight inive noticed many posts relating to evolution and i'm just wondering does anyone frequenting this board believe in the bible?
it seems that just because most have bad experiences with the wt that everyone here is an atheist.
i myself was something at least of an agnostic for quite some time after breaking free of the borg, but now i see things in a different light.
The Bible is a good book with good principals. Do I believe what the WTS teaches,No. I'm back at the basics before I accepted the concept that the Bible was God's inspired word. I remain a humanist.
Republican or Democrat or Indie?
by slipnslidemaster infor all you american's on the board, are you a republican or democrat of independent?.
read http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=12506&site=3 for background.. seems like quite a few democrats here.. slipnslidemaster: "those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- ben franklin
Green Party. Give Ralph Nader another chance!!!!!!!!!
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
What's Your Political Affiliation?
by Black Man inas long as i can remember even though we didn't vote as jw's i've always philosophically vascillated between being either a closet democrat or independent.
i still don't vote, but when things come up in the media, i find i do have some pretty straight-forward opinions on various items.
what parties views in your country do you seem to vibe with and why?
Green party and any movement that supports utopia like ideas. Green Peace and anything green will do. I'm not hard to please.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon