Ive noticed many posts relating to evolution and i'm just wondering does anyone frequenting this board believe in the bible? it seems that just because most have bad experiences with the WT that everyone here is an atheist. i myself was something at least of an agnostic for quite some time after breaking free of the borg, but now i see things in a different light. i know that the WT doesn't study the bible, they study their own publications and They don't even use the creator's proper name (YHWH). in view of these facts i no longer let the bad expierence of the wt cloud my thinking. So, is there anyone else out there with a similar mindset?
Does anyone here believe the Bible?
by sawthelight 29 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah I do!
Being raised by JW parents from a very young age, it was pounded into my head that there is no coming to God except through the WTBTS of NY.
I for one was indoctrinated with such thinking. I think for some who leave the WT when they came to the knowledge that the WT is just another man made religion, this whole belief system in God comes crashing down with it. That is because the WTS = God in the JW belief system.
It is this same belief system that causes many JW to say: "Where else can we go?"
Can this kind of indoctrination cause more Ex-JWs to lean more toward becoming an atheist?
For me personally, I don't consider myself an atheist; however I no longer believe the Bible is not completely inspired of God alone. I think he might have had quite a bit of help from imperfect men.
This change in my view of the bible came primarily after reading the book "The Bible Unearthed" by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. This book addresses this subject on the reliability of the Hebrew Scriptures in light of recent dramatic discoveries of biblical archaeology. If you have any interest in how archaeology proves many of the events recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures just did not happen, I recommend checking this book out.
So I no longer believe the bible to be 100% inspired of God, does that require that I can't believe in God? I guess time will tell as I continue on my journey.
Did Simon do a survey on this subject some time back?
D wiltshire
I do.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
Hi All,
The more I ponder the concept of God, the more questions I have that are not answerable. In my life of 65 years I haven't seen anything that can be directly attributed to God's power or action. The material universe is another question altogether. Who or what is responsible for it's existence? If a God made it, how did(he,it) come into existence? Why does nature work the way it does, everything has some other part of nature trying to destroy it's existence, and most of it has some built in characteristic to defend itself from some other form of nature. Makes no sense to me, but what do I know when it comes to the universe? Very little, but I can't just overlook everything I do know and just have faith in something that can't be proved or demonstrated and contradicts itself at every turn.
So where does that leave me? The same place as everyone else, we will live till we die, so you had better enjoy what time is left and help others do the same.
Ken P.
Ive noticed many posts relating to evolution and i'm just wondering does anyone frequenting this board believe in the bible?
Yes, quite a few do.
it seems that just because most have bad experiences with the WT that everyone here is an atheist.
In fact, hardly anyone here is an atheist, though that is the accusation thrown around by some. It isn't true.
Keep in mind, most people who believe evolution are people who believe the Bible as well. Evolution says nothing about God or religion, either way. Believers say that this is the means God used. So just because you see talk about evolution, it doesn't necessarily mean the poster is an atheist.
My feelings about the bible are summed up in this quote and sorry, but i can't remember who said it:
This is not a book to be tossed aside lightly...it should be thrown with great force!
Sorry if my humor offends anyone...while I no longer have any faith in the bible's being an inspired book, I do respect that other people do not share my views. I'm still part of the 'searching' class....Dana
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
You might say I'm somewhere in between. One thing's for sure, I don't believe in anywhere near the same interpretation as the WTS teaches, though I think there are things of value in the bible. I would just point out that if you no longer believe in the bible as the WTS portrays it, (or typical fundie type of interpretations) that's fine. But if you say that their understanding and interpretation is the actual meaning of the bible, you are agreeing with them in that respect.
Might as well face it you're addicted to dubs...
And there's that faulty reasoning again. That some of us dont believe the bible because of the WTS. Some of us researched and researched till we were blue. Discovered it was christianity and its manual(bible) that was wanting. It had NOTHING to do w/ the WTS. T
Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."
i certainly do not take the WT "interpretation" of the bible. notice i said i don't have that cloud over me and that i broke FREE.