So here goes the gas prices in Wisconsin, we are up to 2.22 a gallon. That's up 50 cents. Golly gee can't wait until the morning.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
we have been informed in dayton that gas prices will go up by midnight by 4 dollars a gallon.
i hope this is another false alarm, but i am filling up in either case.
So here goes the gas prices in Wisconsin, we are up to 2.22 a gallon. That's up 50 cents. Golly gee can't wait until the morning.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
please post your experiences here for any lurkers to read.
when i was a teenager, there was a young lady early 20's who had moved into our cong.
she had a newborn son and had just married her worldly boyfriend, the father of the baby.
A sister in the congregation was very poor. She called Bro. Elder for a loaf of bread. She had nothing in the house for her young son. The brother came two days later with the bread. I personally had separated from my husband with 2 sons. The elders didnot think there was a scriptural reason for this. When I asked for some help with my rent, the brothers gave none and told my husband not to help either. My sons verified the abuse going on. So the Catholic Church paid my rent and the Methodist Church gave us food. JW's send you to the world for help, yet you are to be no part, that is not the true religion.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
are there any jw's posting here who believe that they are not of the anointed class?.
also, of the jw's who post here who do consider themselves as of the anointed class, do you feel that you have a special mission with regard to making ex-jw's aware of their standing with their creator?.
englishman.. ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
When I was a JW, my hope was earthly. But now if their is an afterlife I would favor heavenly.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
well the elders do not accept me.
i do not fit the mold and nor will i change too.
they asked for a book for me to see the questions answered for baptisim but they wouldn't give it to me because they have to decide if i can join???
Hi Tattoogirl, Run like hell is good advice. Not only does your appearance have to change,JW's will never accept a woman with so much independence. They want you to be in subjection to all males. Barefoot and pregnant mentality. I joined in the 70's when women's lib was just starting. I was much in favor of women's rights,but had to ditch that platform. It has been a very unpleasant experience with JW's over women's rights. I have been counseled many times and almost DF'D for my opinions. Women have no proper rights in JW's. Run.Run,Run!!!!!!
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
i thought it might be interesting to see how many here remember where and when they were baptised into the borg.
for some the memory may be too painful, but i'm curious.. me.
it was 1966 in vancouver, bc.
Sept.4,1971 at Dubuque,Iowa,circuit assembly. I was baptized with my sister-in-law who was getting rebaptized. She brought me into the JW's. We were dunked in an outdoor swimming pool blocks from the assembly. The pool was cold. I had to be dunked 3 times. We had a martini party that night at the motel.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
Central Wisconsin : Go Green Bay Packers and Cheeseheads
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
being raised as a jw all of my life, the only bible that i have ever used was the nwt.
i would like to start reading some from another bible other than this translation.. for those who have compared several bible translations, i would like to know what translation you liked or prefer the most and why.. regards, stealth
New International Version and Recovery Devotional Bible(NIV). These versions published by Zondervan Publishing House are easy to read for my needs.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
no, i'm not referring to the borg palace in n.y. i was watching the tv show where they select a family to spend a night roaming around a haunted island, castle etc.
now if the god/devil concept isn't right, what causes the energy forces to scare the hell out of those people?
if this was discussed before, bear with me i'm a newbie trying to figure out what to believe.. never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-r.gordon
No, I'm not referring to the Borg palace in N.Y. I was watching the tv show where they select a family to spend a night roaming around a haunted island, castle etc. Now if the God/devil concept isn't right, what causes the energy forces to scare the hell out of those people? If this was discussed before, bear with me I'm a newbie trying to figure out what to believe.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
i have been searching the net for some excellent sites on the masons.
this past weekend we went down to nc for a wedding and my wife and i broke the news to our nonjw family that we were no longer involved with jw.
i could not believe the open arm welcome my uncle and aunt were almost in tears- they told us we have seen you come home each yr from the main office in ny and then you got married and you would come home and we wanted to say something about the jw but you seemed to be so well respected by the local jw - whenever we would tell folks that our newphew was up in ny- the jw would get all excited- they told us they thought it was so sad for i only made $90 a month.
larc: your opinion doesn't pay for my therapy nor the others I see in support groups damaged by this benign group. The Masons are like the Borg.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon
i have been searching the net for some excellent sites on the masons.
this past weekend we went down to nc for a wedding and my wife and i broke the news to our nonjw family that we were no longer involved with jw.
i could not believe the open arm welcome my uncle and aunt were almost in tears- they told us we have seen you come home each yr from the main office in ny and then you got married and you would come home and we wanted to say something about the jw but you seemed to be so well respected by the local jw - whenever we would tell folks that our newphew was up in ny- the jw would get all excited- they told us they thought it was so sad for i only made $90 a month.
My grandfather,uncle etc. are involved in Masons. The higher up the order the weider it gets. Let's say they have rituals that little girls are involved in. It has put me in therapy for years. I don't have the time of day for them. I would run the other way. It scares the hell out of me.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon