Well, a basic major stress burnout from trying to do what i thought was necessary to be a christian, according to the Society. From the time I was baptised, 1967, I was assured both verbally and in print that it was God's promise that the end would come in my natural lifetime. I bought it. Once I bought it, my logical conclusion was that a 100% effort and dedication to the Cause was necessary to help save lives. After 28 years of pushing myself to the max, the Society decided that God hadn't promised this after all...I'm referring to the infamous fiasco on the elastic "generation of 1914" that wasn't supposed to die off before the end. This set off a tripwire in my mind that resulted in the total destruction of any credibility the Society still had. It also touched off a serious stress breakdown, divorce, and psychotic depression that landed me in the nuthatch thinking I was the Antichrist and that the police and apostates were after me. That was about three years ago. I have recovered from that and moved on. life is good now.