It does seem that you do remember what was said, without having written it down. Please feel free to inform us what their ‘take’ was on this situation.
I do remember, but I would like to have a word-for-word account. Unfortunately at the time, I did not think about these matters. I don't feel I would be believed if I just posted my memories of these conversations.
It may interest you to know that I have questioned one person on your list regarding the authenticity of Mr. Franz book some years ago.
Could you PM me and let me know who in the list you talked to. I know these brothers very well.
If the WTS pursued just one succesfull case of slander against any one of the people mentioned
Yes, I've read this argument before: If it's not true why don't they sue. But it's really silly to use that argument. The GB would have to make public private conversations, they would have to involve many people as witnesses. The personal attacks by these ex-JWs would begin. There really wouldn't be any solution. I asked one time brother Swingle, who was an awesome brother, why they never tried to stop Ray and his stories. If you knew brother Swingle, you know that he as very open and didn't beat around the bush. Anyway, he said that Ray could write whatever he wanted, but as Witnesses of Jehovah our job was to do his will and preach the good news, not go around suing former disgruntled members.