James Mixon - All the comfort you have today I think it would be very hard to adjust to that life style.
Well, yes, it would be incredibly hard. However, it is something that we do even today. When we lose a job, when we get seriously sick, when someone we know dies, when we grow up and go to college or university for the first time... We always have to adjust.
Now, I personally don't come from a family in which we had the privilege of luxuries. The North American standards were a new thing for me. So, I personally wouldn't mind living in primitive standards. I mean... hauling water from the stream every day? Yeah, sure, why not? If I gotta do it every day, why not make it a journey every day? Additionally, this Jehovah's Witness ideology of the Paradise earth presupposes that animals would not eat meat anymore and therefore would not attack us under God's alleged protection. Of course, it's unrealistic, but would I mind living in primitive standards—without cars etc.—if there were no danger to human life? I would not mind at all.
Now, of course, there are many problems with this ideology, and we could talk about economy and stuff like that... Those problems are why I, in the end, don't believe in this paradise (along with my lack of belief in God.) But, if we are to talk about only what the question deals with—that is, the standards of living—then, no, I would not mind living in that paradise at all. I say teleport me there right away!
Keep in mind, though, that I don't believe in this paradise anyway... I'm just assuming another worldview with which I disagree on grounds other than what the question itself deals with—namely the standards of living.