JoinedPosts by Saename
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
sparky1 - "God is real in principle." - looter
"I am real in fact." - Sparky1
Does this help you, Saename?
Yup! Everything's clear now!
Imagine living in JW's Paradise.
by James Mixon inlets say you are able to go back in time to the first man( their belief adam) 7000 years.. now you are magically transporter back to adam time with the knowledge you have from.
todays world..would you make life a little easier for you and your family???
you may move.
ozbrad - 7 billion smelly rotting skeletons to get rid of first.
We waited for God and his Kingdom for millions of years? Well, he'll wait millions of years for us to clean that up!
Inbox Does Not Work
by Saename ini recently noticed that i have a new message from someone in my inbox.
here's a screenshot for you guys to make sure we're on the same page:.
so now that you know what inbox is......... the problem is that when i click on the letter icon surrounded by the green bubble of wisdom and life and good and bad and... wait, no... er... anyway, when i click on it to see the message, this is what i get:.
Hi there! I recently noticed that I have a new message from someone in my inbox. Here's a screenshot for you guys to make sure we're on the same page:
So now that you know what inbox is........
The problem is that when I click on the letter icon surrounded by the green bubble of wisdom and life and good and bad and... wait, no... er... Anyway, when I click on it to see the message, this is what I get:
Yeah... let's call it the white screen of death (you know... the blue screen of death? yeah...) So... er... does everyone have this problem? Or is it just me? Because I'm really concerned that I need to see a psychiatrist... I mean, if it's just me, then it's in my mind, right? I mean... should I take some pills for it? And if it's not in my mind, should I just wait until tomorrow to open it? Or some other indefinite period of time...?
And... um.... if you sent a message to me, I'm not ignoring you! I just can't open the inbox...!
Yeah... So... goodbye!
<whispers> by the way thank you in advance for any help
Imagine living in JW's Paradise.
by James Mixon inlets say you are able to go back in time to the first man( their belief adam) 7000 years.. now you are magically transporter back to adam time with the knowledge you have from.
todays world..would you make life a little easier for you and your family???
you may move.
James Mixon, you raise important points. And this is why I, in the end, don't agree with this ideology of paradise.
James Mixon - your neighbor will live miles away
Exactly. That would make trade impossible. I wouldn't mind going miles for a visit. But trade? Without using animals? (According to the Jehovah's Witnesses in my area, using animals for our own benefit would be wrong in the paradise.)
James Mixon - It will be the same in Paradise for women, they will be working their butts off.
Exactly. Another reason why I acknowledge that this paradise makes no sense, and why I disagree with it. Women "working their butts off"? Hell no! I'm a man, and I couldn't disagree with this more.
James Mixon - 8 million JW in the world
Though according to the Jehovah's Witnesses in my area, there would be more people in this "future" world. Supposedly, there'd be people whom we'd have to teach about Jehovah. But I guess when they say that, they're talking about unbaptised people and people from antiquity who lived in Israel according to God's ways in those days. I don't think they mean that "worldly" people would live... So, yeah... You're right, which is why I, in the end, don't agree with the Jehovah's Witness ideology of paradise. (I wanted to make that clear so many times because I think that this ideology is on the whole disgraceful, so I would never want anyone to think—by any potential mistake—that I agree with this belief system.)
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
Can we please start again...? (Please no.) And if we do, could somebody please explain to me what existence "in principle" means?
And then, when the existence "in principle" is explained, could we please stop discussing things in this thread...? Please...?
Imagine living in JW's Paradise.
by James Mixon inlets say you are able to go back in time to the first man( their belief adam) 7000 years.. now you are magically transporter back to adam time with the knowledge you have from.
todays world..would you make life a little easier for you and your family???
you may move.
James Mixon - All the comfort you have today I think it would be very hard to adjust to that life style.
Well, yes, it would be incredibly hard. However, it is something that we do even today. When we lose a job, when we get seriously sick, when someone we know dies, when we grow up and go to college or university for the first time... We always have to adjust.
Now, I personally don't come from a family in which we had the privilege of luxuries. The North American standards were a new thing for me. So, I personally wouldn't mind living in primitive standards. I mean... hauling water from the stream every day? Yeah, sure, why not? If I gotta do it every day, why not make it a journey every day? Additionally, this Jehovah's Witness ideology of the Paradise earth presupposes that animals would not eat meat anymore and therefore would not attack us under God's alleged protection. Of course, it's unrealistic, but would I mind living in primitive standards—without cars etc.—if there were no danger to human life? I would not mind at all.
Now, of course, there are many problems with this ideology, and we could talk about economy and stuff like that... Those problems are why I, in the end, don't believe in this paradise (along with my lack of belief in God.) But, if we are to talk about only what the question deals with—that is, the standards of living—then, no, I would not mind living in that paradise at all. I say teleport me there right away!
Keep in mind, though, that I don't believe in this paradise anyway... I'm just assuming another worldview with which I disagree on grounds other than what the question itself deals with—namely the standards of living.
Mark Sanderson wears an Apple Watch at regional convention
by Edison Trent inlast weekend was regional convention and mark sanderson was the bethel speaker for the last talks every day.
his talks were video streamed from zurich to other cities in switzerland, austria and germany.
one interesting point was that he wore an apple watch, stainless steel edition (link).
sparky1, you raised important points as well...
Morning Woship: Kenneth Flodin targets "apostates"
by Sanchy invideo is entitled "beware of deceit" he uses the letter of jude to show that current day apostates are deceitful and that they use "trickery" to and "twist facts" to try to "grab our mind".
warning: your head might explode.
especially past the 5:30 mark.
Londo111 - I don't even think the quote was falsified by reading further down. Russell seemed to simply added some qualifying backtracking to cover himself.
I don't think it's falsified either. The language Russell uses fits.
Jehovah's Witnesses Do Not Believe in Freedom of Religion
by xjwsrock inthis statement may seem odd at first.
you may think of jehovah's witnesses as being an american religion in a country where freedoms exist and are prized.
you may think of the organization's legal battles in the supreme court to protect certain rights and freedoms.
I couldn't agree more. Even though I am a weak atheist—that is, I will not tell others that God doesn't exist—I have an extreme opinion in regards to Jehovah's Witnesses. I do not think that this organisation should be allowed to operate in any country. All Jehovah's Witness practices should be deemed illegal because they are extremely abusive and damaging. Maybe Jehovah's Witnesses are right... Maybe one day the governments will turn against them. I surely hope so.