smiddy - Isnt it true that the Old Testament does not identify" Satan" as any one being ,Angel , God , Spirit being or otherwise ?
The personification of Satan as a fallen Angel is non existent in the Old Testament writings ,it was only introduced in the Christian Era of the New Testament.?
Isnt that correct ?
Yup. At the time when the Old Testament was being written, Jews didn't understand "Satan" as we do now. They thought "Satan" (ha satan) was really just another angel who was accomplishing God's will by being an adversary in the heavenly court. So, technically, the personification of Satan as a fallen angel is indeed non-existent in the Old Testament.
However, this notion was not technically introduced in the Christian era of the New Testament. I think it would be more accurate to say it became highly popularized by Christians, but dualism (because this is what it is—the belief that there are forces of good and evil, angels and demons, God and Satan) was already introduced to Judaism long before Jesus was born. It was the Essenes, the Jewish sect that flourished from second century BCE to first century CE, who placed the cosmic battle between angels and demons, God and Satan, in the centre of their belief system. The notion that Satan was a fallen angel was already being developed before Jesus. Nonetheless, you are right in your conclusion that it has never been the belief of mainstream Judaism, and as such, the Old Testament was never meant to be read the way Christians read it.