WTWizard - The only major article of celebration I do not recommend anyone do, regardless of religious belief, is drink driving.
But can I inject alcohol directly into my bloodstream?? Please, please, can I?? Can I???
as you know (and are probably tired of hearing me repeat), i’m jewish.
yes, i was a jehovah’s witness when i was a teenager and into my 20s, but returned to my roots and now celebrate chanukah when the holiday season comes around each year.. so why am i writing about christmas?
well, that’s because i thought i would share something about how jehovah’s witnesses teach against christmas.
WTWizard - The only major article of celebration I do not recommend anyone do, regardless of religious belief, is drink driving.
But can I inject alcohol directly into my bloodstream?? Please, please, can I?? Can I???
notice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
Blasphemy! BLASPHEMY!!!
You're gonna regret it. Jehoober's coming, and he's gonna use the Zhongguoren Great Crowd.
friday 16, december 2016. abc news: malcolm lee, 56, has been sentenced to three years, nine months jail for the attack on the woman, 80, at her home near lakes entrance in march.
during a home massage, organised as a gift by the victim's daughter, lee touched, kissed and digitally raped the woman.
he claimed he believed at the time it was consensual and she was enjoying it.
NVR2L8, I think Ruby456 was using the Dark Way of Sacrasm. The Dark Lord himself taught him.
notice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
I know who the great crowd is. It's China. Just take a look:
friday 16, december 2016. abc news: malcolm lee, 56, has been sentenced to three years, nine months jail for the attack on the woman, 80, at her home near lakes entrance in march.
during a home massage, organised as a gift by the victim's daughter, lee touched, kissed and digitally raped the woman.
he claimed he believed at the time it was consensual and she was enjoying it.
Let me get this straight... A 55-year-old man felt tempted to sexually assault an 80-year-old woman? I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be insulting here, but... seriously?!
I suppose these Jehovah's Witnesses are so repressed sexually that they would rape anyone who can't protect themselves. A 10-year-old child. A teenager. An elderly woman.
But still...
...the question I've always wanted to ask...
...is this...
How the hell do they keep their erection?
That's probably not the most appropriate thing one can ask, but... it's been on my mind for so damn long...
the city in which i work is flooded with those witnessing carts.
today im going to approach one of them and pretend i dont know what they believe.
gonna try and record it if i can.
Yup. The elder knew deep inside it was not scriptural. That's why I suppose he ignored the second part of the question and just said, 'I'm not getting embarrassed.'
this is an actual case.
a jw was recently disfellowshipped heres the reason.
he was and elder and regular pioneer at the time baprized 40 years he decides to rent a room from a women who rents rooms out to singles ,he moves in and there's another guy there also renting a room he happens to be disfellowshipped .
i am agnostic.
i will count how many agnostics, atheists and christians that are reading this forum regularly.
please answer my question.
Ha! Agnostic atheist. Not many of them around here, eh?
(How I define it: We cannot know for sure whether god exists (agnosticism.) We have no evidence, and, as of now, evidence is impossible to obtain. Because I don't know whether god exists, and because I have no evidence, I have no belief in god (atheism.) It's not that I believe god doesn't exist; it's that I have no belief in god. This is why I can define myself as an agnostic atheist. If you disagree with me on this, it doesn't really matter. It's just a label. My beliefs will still remain the same regardless of how I am labelled—namely that we cannot know whether god exists, that we have no evidence of god's existence, and that I have no belief in god.)
Edit: I should make clear that when I refer to god, I speak of some sort of higher power—not a Christian God, Islamic Allah, or whatever else, just a higher power. Additionally, when I say that I have no belief in god, I mean that I have an absence of belief.
just wanted to share something with you guys!
i found this on the web:.
Just wanted to share something with you guys! I found this on the web:
We Canadians know how to entertain our tourists.
this is a copy of the round robin email sent out today.
i am confident that there is no problem with passing it on.
the wheels grind on, it is good to know that not much gets by these investigators.. dear all, i apologise for not being in contact over the last couple of months, but due to ongoing legal matters our inquiries into watch tower bible and tract society of britain and manchester new moston kingdom hall have been moving at a slower pace than we would have liked.
Points taken, Ruby456.