David_Jay - Jews can't say we deny the Shoah (which is another clue about what you are, as we Jews find the word Holocaust--a reference to heathen sacrifice--as inappropriate, so we have our own word for it).
Out of curiosity, do you know why the Shoah is called the "Holocaust" by non-Jews? It's interesting to see that an event which killed millions of Jews is called the same name as the Jewish sacrifice burned on an altar.
Alostpuppydogs - Jessie Owens had a great experience in Berlin and was greeted by the Führer himself and came back to be, in his own words, snubbed by the president and immediately subjected to racism at the first restaurant he ate at.
That is not exactly the case. While it is true that the Americans (especially the President, Franklin D. Roosevelt) refused to acknowledge Jesse Owens, the Germans did the same thing***. I mean... these were the 1930s. Both North America and Europe were racist. Hitler (your Fuhrer) definitely didn't greet Owens. Hitler, in fact, didn't congratulate anyone at the Olympics. He was told that, in order to appear neutral, he had to either congratulate everyone or no one—that is, he couldn't just congratulate the Aryans as he wanted to do. Hence, he chose not to congratulate anyone for (very) racist reasons.
*** Here is a quote from Jesse Owens himself: "I wasn't invited up to shake hands with Hitler—but I wasn't invited t othe White House to shake hands with the President, either." Source: Larry Schwartz, "Owens Pierced a Myth" (2005).