slimboyfat - Was 1 Cor 11:3 written by Paul?
Some do indeed argue that this passage is an interpolation, but it's a minority view. Most likely it was written by Paul.
waton - was 1Cor. 14: 33-38 written by "Paul" ?
That (1 Cor. 14.34–35) is an interpolation. Firstly, vv 34–35 tell women to be silent, but that was not Paul's position. He, in his epistle to the Romans, names a female minister in Cenchreae (Phoebe—Rom. 16.1) and a female apostle in Rome (Junia—Rom. 16.7). Additionally, he already mentions in the very same epistle—1 Cor. 11.5—that women can indeed speak up in church (and prophesy) but need to wear head-covering.
Secondly, this passage about women disrupts the flow of the chapter. Before vv 34–35, Paul is talking about prophecy, and indeed, he also talks about prophecy even after these two verses. This passage about women simply appears out of nowhere. Hence, it's a majority view that this is an interpolation.
Doug Mason - Paul was not a mysoginist; he made full use of women in leadership roles. He wrote that in God's sight there is neither male nor female, for all are one in God's sight.
Agreed. One can criticise Christians who claim that the New Testament itself is divinely inspired while it contains misogynistic passages, but Paul himself can hardly be called a misogynist. He definitely wasn't as progressive as we are today (telling women to wear head-coverings in 1 Cor. 11.5 for instance), but calling him a misogynist is a bit too much.
3rdgen - If God inspired the Bible, why didn't he prevent confusion as to exactly what the message is. Why would he allow passages or books to be included that don't belong?
That's one of my objections against the Christian God as well. It doesn't make sense to me.