Yeah, I know of The Righteous Mind, and I will be reading it in a month or two, but for now, I don't have time. (I really wish I did!!)
When it comes to the usefulness of religion being the activation of our "hive instinct," I agree. It's also an idea I had. Through a fault of my own, I was too ambiguous and included it in "goodness." Had I known what "hive instict" is, I probably would've been more articulate. But things being as they are, I came up with the idea that religion had the ability to activate the motivation to be cooperative on my own, and since I'm a rather young mind, I'm still prone to being ambiguous, and my ideas are susceptible to being broad in the sense of being indefinite and questionable, especially in areas where my ideas are extremely new. When I'll finally read The Righteous Mind, I'll probably be less ambiguous about those things.
Anyway it's nice to see that I'm heading towards similar conclusions as Haidt. Maybe I'm not such a crappy "philosopher" after all...