Mephis - Amusingly, Grant wrote a book on the historical Jesus in which his conclusion is that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher expecting the imminent end of the world. Which didn't arrive.
Well, this is the dominant scholarly view. The Jews began to have those ideas about the imminence of the end of the world around 150 years before Jesus, as far as I remember, so that is what Jesus believed. It seems that he was born into it as much as people today are born into their respective religions—except that Jesus did change quite a few things when he interpreted the Hebrew religion and its sacred texts.
Mephis - The bible is always 100% accurate and correct. Apart from the bits where the writer needs a bit of help from Brooklyn in conveying what he really meant to say...
That is the funniest part of religions. Whenever they try to argue about their beliefs, they always have to say that when author A said B, he really meant C. And when C proves to be inaccurate, as would be the case with prophecies, then it is magically discovered that the author actually meant D. Heck, the generation thing I find so amusing...