Interesting letter. I have no doubt it will go unnoticed. I believe it will bear no fruits. The Watchtower is too far gone already. The Governing Body members believe they have complete authority over their followers. It is indeed sad, but that is the reality. Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Governing Body is the sole channel of communication on earth between them and God, and that it is through them that God presents his will. The only vice of those Jehovah's Witnesses is naiveness.
They have absolute faith that whenever their or somebody else's interpretation of the Bible is inconsistent with what the Governing Body teaches, it is not the fault of the Governing Body. They have absolute faith that the interpretation that the Governing Body presents actually comes from God. It is true that they are forgetting the concept of new light when they dismiss any possible mistakes in their current interpretation. However, that concept never comes into discussion with them before any changes are made. This concept of new light is always discussed and reminded of after those changes. This is why they are so naive.
I certainly do not want you to feel depressed, sad, or sorrowful because of that. However, neither do I want you to get your hopes up. Nothing will change with the Watchtower until the governments take decisive action. Since it is taking place right now, it is true that we might see some changes in policies like the two-witness rule. Nonetheless, I believe nothing beyond that will happen. It is hard to see if the Watchtower would ever forego their current policy of shunning—unless, of course, it were decided by secular authorities that such practice is against human rights and freedom of religion.