James Mixon, you raise important points. And this is why I, in the end, don't agree with this ideology of paradise.
James Mixon - your neighbor will live miles away
Exactly. That would make trade impossible. I wouldn't mind going miles for a visit. But trade? Without using animals? (According to the Jehovah's Witnesses in my area, using animals for our own benefit would be wrong in the paradise.)
James Mixon - It will be the same in Paradise for women, they will be working their butts off.
Exactly. Another reason why I acknowledge that this paradise makes no sense, and why I disagree with it. Women "working their butts off"? Hell no! I'm a man, and I couldn't disagree with this more.
James Mixon - 8 million JW in the world
Though according to the Jehovah's Witnesses in my area, there would be more people in this "future" world. Supposedly, there'd be people whom we'd have to teach about Jehovah. But I guess when they say that, they're talking about unbaptised people and people from antiquity who lived in Israel according to God's ways in those days. I don't think they mean that "worldly" people would live... So, yeah... You're right, which is why I, in the end, don't agree with the Jehovah's Witness ideology of paradise. (I wanted to make that clear so many times because I think that this ideology is on the whole disgraceful, so I would never want anyone to think—by any potential mistake—that I agree with this belief system.)