3rdgen, I understand what you went through. The same thing happened to me only once, thank heavens. A "friend" of mine became interested in another man and she told me about it hoping I would tell my husband. She knew I was going to let him know and she was fine with it because that is exactly what she wanted me to do. Eventually, her whole family left the religion shortly after this was revealed and their marriage broke up. We tried to help them stay together but I think she did this knowing she was going to leave.
Life is Short, I am sorry to hear you had such a terrible experience. For some reason in the congregations we were in they normally didn't handle serious matters after the meeting but scheduled them for off meeting nights. I very rarely waited on him and usually we were the last to leave because we both loved socializing.
It can be a very difficult life for an elders wife especially if he is a jerk!! I am fortunate that I ended up with one of the good ones and we both came out together. My husbands position was NOT important to him as far as needing it to feel good about himself. He was not the type to lord it over others.