JoinedPosts by starfish422
by Scully inmajor canadian tv show to discuss jw child
abuse scandal
this is to alert the jw world that a major tv documentary is set to go in canada on the jw child sex abuse issue.
by Scully inmajor canadian tv show to discuss jw child
abuse scandal
this is to alert the jw world that a major tv documentary is set to go in canada on the jw child sex abuse issue.
Great quote...
by starfish422 in.
"philosophy is questions that may never be answered.
religion is answers that may never be questioned.
"Philosophy is questions that may never be answered.
Religion is answers that may never be questioned."-Unknown
Assembly memories
by freedom96 ini remember baking in the hot sun, with the outdoor district conventions.
the only thing i liked about them was lunch time.
back in the day, then i could grab the little coupons, ten to a page, each worth 10 cents.
I have almost all good memories of the assemblies & conventions, except for the two DCs in the mid 80's when we went to Olympic Stadium in Montreal and baked in the 35-degree-celsius temps and high humidity. Brutal.
I loved the fruit bags, I loved seeing people I didn't see often, I loved getting to go in all the back halls and restricted areas of the venue with my dad who was always in charge of sound & electrical, jeez I even loved the hoagies with the little packets of Italian salad dressing! LMAO But the absolute highlight for me was always the dramas. My parents had all the dramas on tape and I used to act them out at home. SIGH. Good times. LOL
by Scully inmajor canadian tv show to discuss jw child
abuse scandal
this is to alert the jw world that a major tv documentary is set to go in canada on the jw child sex abuse issue.
Do You Know Your Blood Type?
by RAYZORBLADE inwith all the information we have nowadays, out of sheer curiousity, do any of you know your blood type?
for some, i know the blood-issue is a touchy subject, but it's interesting to know it.
you'd be surprised especially when the case of an rh-negative mother may give birth to an rh-positive child.
My parents would never tell my my blood type; isn't that wierd? It wasn't till after I moved out and got my own family doctor that I asked him what my bloodtype is. O+
Bizarre dream last night...
by starfish422 insigh.
i had the wierdest dream last night; it's something i wish would happen.. i dreamed my older brother showed up at my door step and when i opened the door, he said, "are you happy?
dad has left the jws and mom is divorcing him".
I've had those KH dreams too; actually I think of them as nightmares. Usually I'm expected to comment during the meeting and because I haven't seen a WT mag in almost a decade, I'm flipping madly through the mags trying to find the answers. And there's the odd dream of FS, which is pretty much the same thing; I'm at the door and trying to stumble through a presentation for a maazine I've never seen before.
What's odd is that in my dreams that involve my dad, he never speaks to me. We see each other, are aware of each other's presence; but never actually interact.
Bizarre dream last night...
by starfish422 insigh.
i had the wierdest dream last night; it's something i wish would happen.. i dreamed my older brother showed up at my door step and when i opened the door, he said, "are you happy?
dad has left the jws and mom is divorcing him".
SIGH. I had the wierdest dream last night; it's something I wish would happen.
I dreamed my older brother showed up at my door step and when I opened the door, he said, "Are you happy? Dad has left the JWs and Mom is divorcing him".
It wasn't a very long dream; just my brother dropping this bombshell and then I was with my dad, who looked somehow very old, like my grandfather did before he died, and he was packing books into a box.
Of course I'm not wishing for my parents to get divorced but overall it was positive! Maybe a prediction of future events?